Is it true that Night elf society is matriarchal

I don’t think that matters, because…

The druids would never inherent a governing role in Kaldorei society. Their duty to the Wilds and the Emerald Dream too-far removes them from that. I think even without Tyrande, the Sisterhood would have seized power even still. It also has been said that Tyrande has maintained the role of Sole Ruler of the Kaldorei for 10,000 years. So… it’s 10,000 years.

In Warcraft III the Druids lead for a time before they upheld their agreement with Ysera and went into the dream.

It actually does not mention 10,000 years anywhere in that section of the article.

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Except that they have. It was Malfurion who imposed the sentence of imprisonment on his brother. It was Malfurion who sentenced the Highborne to exile. It was Fandral who had Teldrassil raised and the bulk of Night Elf society moved to it.

Tyrande is not spoken of as having ANY role in the above. That is not the sign of a matriarchal society when the decisions that literally reshape Night Elf society are being made by males.

If Tyrande was an absolute ruler, she wouldn’t have had to slaughter the Wardens in order to have freed Illidan.

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No they didn’t.

" Tyrande believed that this distance was partly to blame for the cataclysmic war, and she resolved that her order would take up the duty of directing the Sentinels. Never again would the Sisters of Elune fail to guide the night elf people. To this day Shandris still reports to Tyrande, who is both the high priestess of Elune and sole ruler of night elf government… The Sentinels are courageous and selfless soldiers whose only goal for the last ten millennia has been to defend the night elf people."

First, before the Sisterhood assumed the role of the new government, and Malfurion was only allowed to pass that sentience with the permission of Jarrod…

Because the Highborne attacked the Druids, which it has been well established that the Druids are separate of Kaldorei Governing.

Except it was the SIsterhood of Elune the seeded anti-arcane sentiments in the wake of the War of the Ancients. It was Tyrande that elevated the SIsterhood as the Governing body and directors of the Sentinels.

Tyrande IS an absolute ruler… She has been for 10 millennia.

They most certainly did:

    Under the druids’ benevolent leadership, the night elves enjoyed an era of unprecedented peace and tranquility under the stars.

Notice how these are two different sections like I said?

The Sentinels were indeed defending all that time. The Sentinels fought side by side with the Druids during the War of the Satyr, before the Cenarion Circle even formed.

As I pointed out, though the section stating her sole leader does not address a time period, however.

We are not talking about Warcraft 3, we are talking about current lore. Much of Warcraft 3 lore Is retconned, including that.

Notice that it says Ten Millenia… What, you think Tyrande was elected? She seized power for herself and the Sisterhood by enforcing he claim with the Sentinels… Tyrande has been the sole ruler of the Kaldorei for 10 millenia.

Sorry to burst your bubble of druid bias.

Ok, question here, when was that malfurion started his long sleep?

I recently played through the val sharah, and i remember Tyrande saying something about rising up to leadership after malfurion went into the long sleep.

Notice how it says defend, not lead.

The Warcraft Encyclopedia has also been retconned. Specifically what you keep bringing up about the Druids:

    Malfurion, taught the druidic arts to other night elves. This small group of druids dedicated themselves to preserving the balance of nature on Azeroth. Highly respected by the rest of night elf society, the druids are nevertheless outside of it, for they answer to no government.

In the section on the War of the Satyr in Chronicle: Volume I:

    Initially, the night elves suffered terrible losses from the satyr’s assaults. Yet the tide of battle soon changed when Tyrande’s adopted daughter, the captain of the Sentinels, Shandris Feathermoon, proposed a new strategy to fight the demons. She suggested that the druids be called from their sojourns in the Emerald Dream so they could be used as a fighting force.

    Upon seeing how Xalan had corrupted the night elves’ forests, Malfurion agreed to Shandris’s request and summoned the most powerful druids of Kalimdor to his side. As one, the druids and Sentinels struck into the heart of satyr territory.

This was before the Cenarion Circle even formed.

So either the Warcraft Encyclopedia was retconned so the Druids did answer to the Night Elf government, or after the Cenarion Circle was formed the Night Elf government no longer had any authority over them.

Because Tyrande and the Sisterhood leads the Sentinels… the Sentinels are the military, but directed by the Sisterhood.

No it hasn’t.

The quotes you share really don’t serve your point at all. The Cenarian Circle has always been separate from the Kaldorei Government, however the Kaldorei within it are still Tyrande’s subjects, and thus answer to her.

Basically, Tyrande has authority over any Kaldorei in the Cenarian Cricle, but has no authority over any Tauren, Dryad or Keeper in the Cenarian Circle…

This is most obviously displayed in the Novel Stormrage, when she very directly she reminds Broll Bearmantle that she could very easily make her request an order, resulting in a very quick submit by Broll himself.

That just further proves my point about the retcon, as the section was about Night Elf Druids that Malfurion taught, not Tauren or Dryads or Keepers.

More Tyrande says they worked as one again now, just as they had before he went to sleep:

    Tyrande Whisperwind says: Ah, Malfurion, my beloved! For a hundred hundred years he slept beneath Moonglade.
    Tyrande Whisperwind says: Whenever I was plagued with doubt, I would descend into his barrow. I watched over him as he slept.
    Tyrande Whisperwind says: Even in slumber, his presence calmed me. I left my fears below the earth and emerged, ready to lead my people.
    Tyrande Whisperwind says: When Malfurion returned to my side, we worked as one. As if he had never been away. Have you ever loved as I have?

… How does that prove your point at all? After the War if the Ancients, many Moon Guard abandoned the Arcane and went to learn Druidism… Which Malfurion was learning from Cenarius…

You do this thing, and it happens so often that I honestly think you’re just trolling me… Where you quote walls of text from various lore sources… That has nothing to do with your point or the discussion, but you always claim it does. You constantly make these massive leaps in logic, and I have to go back and read what you post several times before I realize that you have completely deviated away the source material that you are sharing.

I don’t know if you just interpret what is being said differently, or if you are just trolling, or willfully trying to be deceptive and make it look like your point has more merit than it actually does. Which probably works, because I doubt anyone really takes the time to read your text wells.

Warcraft Encyclopedia says the Night Elf Druids are specifically outside of Night Elf society and does not answer to any government, which would include the Night Elf one.

Both Chronicle and Stormrage show this is not the case. Which shows that the Warcraft Encyclopedia was retconned.

And you well know that for all practical purposes no one else is reading this thread but the like four of us that are talking to each other.

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Druids operate outside of any Government… that doesn’t mean the people within it are not subjects of any Government… You are confusing people for organizations. Furthermore, this is doing nothing for your claim that the druids ever had a leadership role… in either case, they didn’t.

Warcraft Encyclopedia says Druids, who are people, answered to no government. Before the Cenarion Circle even formed as an organization.

Druids were in a leadership role in Warcraft III. A point I brought up in response to the speculation on how leadership would have been handle if Tyrande had not survived the War of the Ancients. If anything, as the Warcraft Encyclopedia had pointed out, the Sentinels and Priestesses had become aloof from Night Elf society. Without Tyrande having reformed the Sisterhood of Elune and the Sentinels, they likely would not have stepped up to lead, as she was the one who made them do it.

Much like the Sentinels could not defeat the Satyr on their own, they would have likely turned to Malfurion and the Druids for leadership if Tyrande hadn’t been around after the Sundering.

It also says The Cenarion Circle, who are people, answer to no Government. Because there is a difference between the identity of a group and the identity of an individual. Just because the Cenarion Circle wasn’t formed yet, doesn’t mean the Druids the predated it were not their own organized druidic circle.

Again, you are confusing people for organizations.

The WC3 manual is retconned.

It says that has been the case with the Empire, but it doesn’t say that is how it would of happened without Tyrande. Tyrande happened to be the catalyst for many of these sweeping changes, that is not evidence to say it would not of happened without her.

But now you are playing the what-if game, which is not the game we’re playing.

Not quite, as, covered in the section on the War of the Satyr in Chronicle, this was the reason the Cenarion Circle was formed:

    The worgen catastrophe forced Malfurion to reflect on the state of druidism. Without some form of regulation, he concluded that individuals like Ralaar would inevitably go too far in their application of druidic power. Malfurion and his followers therefore created the Cenarion Circle, a harmonious order that would guide and keep watch over the world’s druids and their practices.

So has been the Warcraft Encyclopedia.

Tyrande herself believed the Sentinels and Priestesses were a failure in leadership, which is why she herself made sure they would never fail again.

That was the game Kastar brought up that you were playing when I joined back in.

Yes quite… The Cenarian Circle just united several circles into one… That doesn’t mean the druids that predates where not their own organized druidic circle… In fact, the Cenarian Circle’s existence proves that is the case…

No it hasn’t.

No, I was arguing with Drah when you showed up.

Yes it has.

You yourself showed it has.

No, I very clearly explained to you when you are wrong. But go ahead and ignore it like usual.

And you were wrong…

It does not look like I was. Tyrande even says Malfurion and her are working together as one again now, just like they had before he went to sleep.