Is it true that Night elf society is matriarchal

This didn’t seem to be the case in Warcraft III, as, from the manual as cited above:

    Somehow, by the graces of Elune, Furion, Tyrande and Cenarius had survived the Great Sundering. The weary heroes agreed to lead their fellow survivors and establish a new home for their people.

    Furion declared that they would never practice the arts of magic again.

    Under the druids’ benevolent leadership, the night elves enjoyed an era of unprecedented peace and tranquility under the stars.

    The druids, unable to bring themselves to slaughter so many of their kin, decided to exile the reckless high-borne from their lands.

Chronicle also describes it as such in its section on the Long Vigil:

    With Malfurion in the Dream, the task of governing the daily activities of the night elves fell to Tyrande. The mantle of leadership was demanding, but she enjoyed it.

Which also reflects how Tyrande wanted Malfurion to get back to helping her lead once he woke up in Stormrage, as she didn’t want to lead alone any more.


Don’t bother. She’ll ignore anything that contradicts her headcanon.

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Lol, ah okay… so -I- am the bias one here?

So you think Tyrande is just bossy when she evokes her authority? And you don’t think you’re sexist? Alright…


Hammul is not a Night Elf.

No… They are face to face… Tyande literally says to him that she ORDERS him. It’s very cut and dry.

Conjecture. In fact, Broll was going against the orders of Fandral by helping her.

Except… men can’t be. They are not allowed to join the Sisterhood of Elune…

Your entire argument has been conjecture. I have cited all of my sources lol.

I have already addressed these. We have some continuity issues here. First, Tyrande is said to be the sole ruler of the Kaldorei for 10 thousand years, yet it was only 7,000 years ago the Highborne were exiled.

The Druids were never the leaders of the Kaldorei, merely respected figures.

And I don’t think saying Tyrande wanted her lover to be with her is evidence against Kaldorei matriarchy. I am more inclined to think Malfurion gets away with more than what is typical because of his relationship to the sole leader of the Night Elf people.

Being the overall active hero in War of the Ancients MIGHT have had something to do with it.

Also it is HE who pronounces judgement on the Quel-dorei in the Exile of the Highborne, not Tyrande who is not recorded as having any part of it at all. One might thing that the “dominant head of the Kaldorei government” as you insist that she is might have had a couple of words to say?


I don’t know if they are not allowed. I haven’t seen that in the lore but in their thousands of years of being in existence it’s never happened so that maybe the case.

Jarod had a modicum of power becuase he leads the watchers with Shandris or something like that. I could see some druids getting some authority but it would be really an extension of Malfurion.

I’m pretty sure stepping into the Dream and saving Malfurion contradictory to what Frandral had planned is clearly Circle territory.

A warrior in what war? Not the third war. In fact it’s stated in Stormrage rage that he’s always been a druid. Since he was born with gold eyes and antlers but felt self conscious becuase he never really achieved the greatness that was expected of him. He was never a regular solider or warrior. No one other than a druid would have been given the Idol of Remulos.

When did this happen?

This is just sad. There is nothing poor about that exchange. It’s very clear.

No he couldn’t. It’s stated a few pages earlier that she could complicate his life and command him. As a Night Elf she is his leader and must follow commands, her commands. She doesn’t need Hamuul’s consent for anything not to command one of her own, and if her orders conflicted with Circle affairs it would have been Frandral who’d have the problem, not that he could do anything.

Who’s we? This is just your opinion. You need to back this up.

But that’s not what happened. Frandal had a plan to “save” Malfurion but neither Tyrande or Broll thought it would work so he followed Tyrande’s plan. He worked against Frandral even though both he and Tyrande believed that Frandral’s intentions were pure.

Broll would go on to FURTHER defy Frandral by sneaking into his home and stealing the Idol of Remulos, the very artifact that Frandral was going to use (against Remlous’ orders) to “heal” Teldrassil to “save” Malfurion. Broll worked against Frandral twice. So there goes you’re theory about him deferring to Frandral over Tyrande. I Idol may have had nothing to do with her orders but he was in fact working against Frandal in favor of Tyrande.

On this however I completely agree with you. I’m shocked too.

All of this is true but hasn’t the game and the lore progressed beyond what was in the manual? Is it still even considered current lore, the parts that haven’t been retconned at least?

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Because he and the other Druids are the ones who were attacked. if Tyrande wanted to overrule him, she had every ability to do so.

Warcraft Encyclopedia, Sisterhood of Elune… I have shared the quote probably a million time in this thread.

No he doesn’t. He leads a small security force.

I was hoping that they would cite that part specifically. The only citations they have is saying the the order now allows priests of other genders and races, even though there are only Kaldorei moon priests. I’m not doubting that they are exclusively female because of that belief, I just don’t remember seeing it. It’s more than likely true and if it is stated it may be in Seeds of Faith or Wota 1, I’ll have to check.

I knew it was something like that. Gamepedia had him listed as a leader of the watcher or something. It’s confusing.

It is supposed to be a special Task force to replace the wardens/searching for Maiev.

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Which, they found Maiev but didn’t replace the Wardens. Considering Maiev is found and buddies with Tyrande, that task force probably disbanded.

This probably has something to do with the fact that Fandral was a Bad Guy, i.e. one of the villains of the book and Broll had picked up on that or was at least suspecting it. That left Tyrande as the only other person for him to go to given that he couldn’t trust anyone else not to be complicit in Fandral’s attempt to replace Malfurion.

Not at that time. They both believed that he was trying to do good but his plan would take too long. They figured it out over time but at this point Frandral’s duplicity wasn’t known. However Broll knew that the Idol was an issue that needed to be taken care of. I’ll have to go back to the book to be sure but I don’t think they suspected him yet.

I also believe the Night Elves have a matriarchal society, and I do not believe anything I have cited is evidence against that.

I do not see any continuity issues here, though. There isn’t anything that says the Druids didn’t lead the Night Elves before they kept their word to Ysera and went into the Dream to retcon the Warcraft III manual, and once they did go into the Dream then it left Tyrande to be the sole ruler, if Malfurion and the Druids were no longer awake to lead.

Ultimately it was Tyrande who removed the ban on magic before the Cataclysm, so, she did say something about it, at least ten-thousand years after the fact.

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I think it’s a female theocracy But has a lesser theocracy that is centered around malfurion and the druids. Aka if they were not married they would be in a political mess.

I mean, I just cited a continuity error, but alright.

The magic storm the Highborne whipped up is said to have swept all of Ashenvale, which in those days would have included the areas known as Moonglade and the Felwood. I don’t think it was selective enough to hit Druids only.

I’m still curious, though. Wasn’t Warcraft III your favorite time for Night Elf lore? I’m pretty sure this was well before the Warcraft Encyclopedia.

If anything, isn’t that why you like that Warcraft III Reforged doesn’t take into account any of the lore updates that came?

I think Warcraft 3 itself had better story telling than WoW.

Except it was specifically targeted at the Druids.

Let’s quit dancing at the goal posts here. The Arcane storm affected a whole ton of Night Elves. The Highborne were originally condemmed to death, commutted to exile and Tyrande is not spoken as playing a single part in the entire prodess of judgement?

Was she so removed from her people in both the plight of those affected and in the judgement of t hose condemmed that the Leader of all Kal’dorei couldn’t spare some time to weigh in or parrticipate?

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I mean, I’m biased towards Druids, so I definitely have preference towards the idea that the Druids lead the Night Elves to enjoyed an era of unprecedented peace and tranquility.

Weird that the sole leader wouldn’t be mentioned… Almost as if the Druids were the main target.

I mostly give that credit to the Sisterhood and the Elunarian worldview… Which seems to be consistent with the general distrust of the Arcane. Honestly, even IF Malfruion can be credited with it’s abolishment, I am inclined to believe he made that decision based on what he knew Tyrande would agree with.

Its hard for me to believe the druids ever served in roles of leadership when the lore explicitly says they didn’t play any role in Kaldorei Governing or play any part in passing or enforcing law. And given all the lore we have, Malfurion is only a minor exception by the virtue of his relationship with Tyrande.

This Governing structure seems to be entirely based on the cultural belief that men cannot know the mysteries of Elune to the degree women can.

I think Blizzard has not always been consistent, but I think the above is the shortest walk to something that makes sense. Everything else requires a fair deal of assumptions, or contradicts several things we have been told.