Is it true that Night elf society is matriarchal

Wowwiki is not a canon source. However, can be useful to quickly find data linked to actual canon sources. The quote you listed above is not linked to any canon source, because no such source exists.

So no… My sources are canon, yours aren’t.

Then actually Post your sources.

I have repeatedly… The Warcraft Encyclopedia, Stormrage, The World of Warcraft Game Manual, and the level 55 Alliance quest “The New Frontier”


Not sure what those are suppose to be proving because that’s kind of random.

The only one there that gives any lore is Stormrage, and it doesn’t support your point.

… What? They are all lore resources… and all of my claims have been supported by these sources.

The Sisterhood is Exclusively Female - Warcraft Encyclopedia

Druids played no role in Kaldorei Government - Warcraft Encyclopedia AND World of Warcraft Game manual

Druids answer to the authority of Tyrande and the Sisterhood - Stormrage

Fandral having a combative personality traits with the other druids of the Cenarian Circle, and generally mistrusted by them. - The New Frontier.

Every claim I have made is supported by lore. All of your claims have been provably wrong.


Citation Needed.

I have literally given it already, but here it goes.

"Yet there is a widespread belief to this day that the deepest mysteries of the changeable moon goddess can only be comprehended by other women. The Sisterhood has therefore remained exclusively female thus far. " - Warcraft Encyclopedia/Sisterhood of Elune

“Although they are highly respected by most mortal societies, druids have nothing to do with creating or enforcing law. The Cenarion Circle has more far-reaching concerns than the politics of any particular government.” -Warcraft Encyclopedia/Cenarian Circle

In the Novel Stormrage, Tyrande meets secretly with Broll Bearmantle, asking him to help her enter the Emerald Dream. In that discussion, it was implied that she could order him to help her, but was asking for his help as a friend instead. -Stormrage

Fandral called the other Druids of the Cenarian Circle fools. - The New Frontier.

Remulos and Fandral didn’t trust eachother. - The New Frontier.

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The initial point was that Malfurion had the power, not the Cenarion Circle. I humored you in addressing that but even after being corrected several times, you still can’t seam to separate the two. As the Leader of the Night Elves and basically the founder of their Culture, Malfurion had as much power as Tyrande (and it’s not "just because he’s married to her.)

This is what I don’t get. Because in that book, there was no implied threat because she asked, he (although reluctantly) agreed, and it was fairly cordial after that.

And I’m not even sure what you’re arguing here. I’m never disagreed that he was a Tool.

By the virtue of being married to Tyrande. Without Tyrande, he has no authority. His actual authority is even arguable because we don’t see him commanding forces directly.

I have made this point time and time again, and you willfully ignore it because you simply don’t like the truth of it. This isn’t a debate at this point, this is you trying to get in the last word in an argument you lost yesterday.

Yes there was. I read it as a teasing flex, but it was a flex regardless.

Because you seem to equate his quarreling with Tyrande as a “power struggle” despite no such lore resource describes any such thing, and he quarreled with just about everyone.

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He wasn’t Married to her at the time.

No, I didn’t equated his quarreling as anything. You suggested that his “quarreling” was the entirety of his contention.

before he was Married to her, he had no authority. As is seen in nearly every lore resource about Tyrande, she had been the sole ruler of the Kaldorei for thousands of years.

You literally did. You claimed it was a power struggle without an official source. I have noticed a pattern with you doing something, then back tracking and claiming you didn’t do something after realizing you are wrong.

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Except that he DID. He was the founder and shaper of the Night Elf society based on Druidism. He wasn’t married to her until after the second time he was awaken.
So during his sleep, yes she had total power. But Prior to him sleeping, yes he had all the Power and Authority.

I didn’t equate his Quarreling as a power struggle but his actions as the leader of the Druids. He had the Authority and he used it. Tyrande, if she had total authority as you said, then she could of just shut him down with a word.

Personal attacks now?

Where have I done this?

No, he wasn’t.

That was Tyrande far more than it was Malfurion.

No… He has no authority, as I cited several times already XD

Tyrande DID shut him down… Which is why he never did anything until he went crazy and started lighting things on fire.

No, it’s just an observation.

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Still, this is more of your Biases showing. Not only can you not even acknowledge Malfurion and Tyrande’s efforts together, you completely dismiss him altogether.

They were BOTH instrumental in rebuilding in Ashenwood but Malfurion established the Night Elf Druidic culture and led them away from Arcane and it was Malfurion who outlawed it’s use (sure, with Tyrande’s support obviously) and was the one who had the authority to execute the Highborne for it’s use. (Honest question: If Tyrande had Absolute Authority, would she of spared them for their attack AND use of the Arcane?)

You’re disregarding this part of Lore.

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That was Tyrande and the Sisterhood

" The Sisterhood never quite approved of way in which higher-caste night elves made use of arcane magic, due to the magic’s chaotic nature. Consequently novices must follow a rigorous course of study that delves into both history and spellcasting. The first Well of Eternity in particular was considered a potential source of danger. Indeed, long before the Highborne’s abuse of the Well’s magic brought about disaster, the Well had become the subject of extensive discussion in the Sisterhood’s classrooms."

Druidism wasn’t an organized thing until Malfurion founded the Cenarian Circle, which was not founded to influence Kaldorei society, but instead to combat the Worgen Threat. As mentioned already, the Cenarian Circle had no role in Kaldorei Governance, and still answered to Tyrande and the Sisterhood.

No it wasn’t. It was more unanimous agreement of all non-Highborne following the War of the Ancients.

No, he watned Dath’remar that use of the Arcane would be punishable by death. That doesn’t not mean it was so under his authority.

No, you are completely misrepresenting the lore. It’s no a bias, you are just wrong.


Your one to talk. Again, it as matriachal as stormwind is patriarchal, which is to say, sure discrimination exists but for the most part both sexes are treated equally.

Not really, many druids seems dedicated more to their choosen demi gods than elune.

Not all of them, or more precisely not to the same amount of fevor. Again Malfurion called her your goddess at one point to Tyrande.

Really?! Nearly every quest that involve father figure/daughter figures have female night elves respecting their dads!

He was tasked by Tyrande herself.

It was Malfurion who ordered Illidan be imprisoned. It was the druids who ordered the highborne banish. It was Malfurion who banished(and later forgave) Illidan after Warcraft 3. It was Malfurion who got the worgen to join the Alliance. Hell, he even ordered Shandis to take care of the citizens of Darnassus as the emerald nightmare raged on(this was without Tyrande being nearby).

The ultimate question is really this, if Tyrande/Malfurion suddenly had a schism, who would the night elves follow. Personally, i think the general night elven populace could go either way.

That was their option. Not their judgement. Which is why they agreed with Malfurion when it was outlawed.

Stop Bringing up the Cenarion Circle. No one’s talking about them except you. We’re talking about Malfurion and HIS teaching of Druids.

Also, Druidism didn’t need to be an “organized thing” for Malfurion to teach his people it’s ways. FYI, not all Druids are part of the Cenarian Circle.

Oh, and " The Cenarion Circle operates outside of Tyrande Whisperwind’s authority" per your own source.

Citation needed.

Literally he was that one who made the rule but making the declaration. Tyrande had no part in making that law.

And I have already proven to you why that isn’t true. I wouldn’t have to keep repeating myself if you guys would just pay attention.

Yes really… Both in the Temple of Elune AND the Tomb of Sargaras, murals can be seen of Elune elevated above several other Gods, arguably the Titans.

Thinking Elune is not the most significant aspect of Kaldorei society is so beyond idiotic, it literally causes me physical pain that you are making that claim.

Yes, all of them. Fever changes from person to person, but she still remains as the central figure of Kaldorei society.

Yeah? All like, two of them? lol

Respecting your family does not mean the society is not matriarchal.

No, Tyrande just gave him permission… With a Sentinel escort.

This was before the Sisterhood was established as the new leadership, and the cultural revolution that came after the sundering the elevated Elune to the most pivotal element of Kaldorei culture. And even then, all the Warden that guarded Illidan were volunteers from the Sisterhood.

Malfurion did not have the authority to “order” anything. People just voluntarily listened to him.

Tyrande. She lead them for thousands of years. Malfurion is respected, never quite as much as Tyrande is.

Malfurion agreed with them. Now who’s bias is showing?

WHICH IS THE CENARIAN CIRCLE! Before that, there were only protodruids. Malfurion didn’t start learning Druidism until 10,000 BDP!

He started training druids for barely one hundred years before the founding of the Circle, and the druids did nothing to do with governing in that time…

Sure, because it’s multiracial, which I mentioned before. However, the Kaldorei within the circle fall under Tyrande’s authority. As seen in the Novel Stormrage.

No, you are making the claim that it was Malfurion’s decision. You have not provided a single citation to any of your claims. Citation is needed from you.

Citation needed.

I mean, not really because I know you are wrong. But go ahead and try.

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That’d be an interesting scenario division to see. Probably would depend on the topic too. On that note, sometimes I wonder how things would have gone had Malfurion gone instead or with Tyrande to free Illidan.

Still you.

What the hell is a Protodruid? Now you’re making things up to support your losing position?

Malfurion was literally the First Mortal Druid in history.

You haven’t proven that. And your own source contridicts that.

" When the night elves adopted druidism, they outlawed the practice of arcane magic. The use of its dangerous powers was punishable by death. However, many Highborne loyalists of Queen Azshara survived the Sundering and grew restless. They suffered from magical withdrawal, and 7,300 years before the invasion of the Horde through the Dark Portal, they spoke against Malfurion and the Druids.

Dath’Remar Sunstrider, the leader of this movement, declared the druids cowards for refusing to wield the arcane. Malfurion and the druids warned the Highborne that any use of magic would be punishable by death. Yet, in an attempt to protest the druid’s law, Dath’Remar and his followers unleashed a terrible magical storm upon.

The druids could not bring themselves to put so many of their kin to death, so they decided to exile the reckless Highborne from their lands."

No mention of Tyrande or the Sisterhood at all but explicitly stated that the Druid’s past the Law.

Now where’s your source stating it was Tyrande and/or the Sisterhood who had any involvement?