Is it true that Night elf society is matriarchal

It doesn’t matter… they are a female exclusive group with total authority. Men are restricted from the ruling class, that is a matriarchy.

Yes it is.

You haven’t at all. Everything you have said has been wrong lol.

Your concept of “Total Authority” is odd and confusing.

Granted, for a select time, They WERE in total control. When the Druids Slept.
But now the Sisterhood isn’t limited to females only, nor are the Sentinals. I think the Wardens are the only ones who are still female only, but that’s changing too.

They had a Good run. Let it be!

Stop Stealing my Lines!

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They still are, because the Druids do not, and never have been a branch of the Kaldorei Government. That has always and still is the sole responsibility of Tyrande and the Sisterhood of Elune.

And the Sisterhood IS still limited to females only. I have time and time again provided direct quotes from the Warcraft encyclopedia to prove this, which you willfully ignore time and time again. I am not sure I am surprised, because you are arguing something that has been explicitly been said by Warcraft developers! LOL


All [priests](who served Elune were night elf women. However, after the devastation of the [Third War]), they thought that the organization had drifted too far away from night elf society and decided to open up their group more to the world. As a result, although a majority of Elune’s priests are still women, the order now welcomes men into its ranks

https :// /The_Warcraft_Encyclopedia/Sisterhood_of_Elune

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De jure the Priestess’s of Elune are the highest political power in night elf society. De Facto id argue the Druids wield as much authority, albeit in informal ways.

"Yet there is a widespread belief to this day that the deepest mysteries of the changeable moon goddess can only be comprehended by other women. The Sisterhood has therefore remained exclusively female thus far. " - Literally from the exact same source. Learn to read, Kat.

That wasnt your argument, I never said if males where better or worse than female priests you said

which is false

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No, it’s not… again, learn to read.

"Yet there is a widespread belief to this day that the deepest mysteries of the changeable moon goddess can only be comprehended by other women. The Sisterhood has therefore remained exclusively female thus far. "

thus far means until now

https ://

" Thus far means up until the present point in a situation or story.

[formal] Thus far , the two prime ministers have achieved no concrete results."

Note the example: Thus far, the two prime ministers have achieved no concrete results… It does NOT say, The two prime ministers have achieved no concrete results, until now.

Up until the current point. So, at this very point in the lore, the Sisterhood is exclusively female…

If men were part of the Sisterhood… well, it wouldn’t be a SISTERhood would it?


why would they change the name of a organization that existed for 10000 + years. also you are ignoring what you dont want to see which is.

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Because if it included men… it wouldn’t be a sisterhood…

The Sisterhood of Elune is the Highest Echelon of the Priesthood. There are male Priests… they are just below the Sisterhood, who are second only to Tyrande herself.

Not every Priest or Priestess of Elune is part of the Sisterhood. The Sisterhood is like College of Cardinals. And the most Elite among them are the Priestesses of the Moon.

Furthermore, you only need a majority to be a matriarchy… So even if you presented your argument accurately, it would still fall short of it’s intention.


Answer me this one Question.

Can you have a Power Struggle when one party has Absolute power and the other has none?

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Imagine a race so enamored with tradition would hardly be interested in that.

Blizzard seems to think so.

Uh-huh… Typical Dodging of the question.

You only acknowledge Lore when it suits your argument but completely disregard it when it doesn’t.

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Pot calling the kettle black, is it?

Here is the lore that we have…

Fandral was Leader of the Cenarian Circle. A multiracial institution that had never played a role in Kaldorei Governing.

Fandral openly quarreled with Tyrande. As such, open quarreled with everyone, and openly spoke down to his fellow druids of the Cenarian Circle. Seems to be a consistent personality trait.

There is no cited source actually uses the term “Power struggle” to describe the relationship between Tyrande and Fandral.

The Sisterhood of Elune is exclusively female as a consequence of a common belief of female divinity.

Despite the Cenarian Circle being a separate institution from Kaldorei society, the Kaldorei druids within the Circle still answer to Tyrande and the Sisterhood of Elune.

You are ignoring the lore, not me.


He didn’t see it that way. To him, there were no other Druids in the Cenarian Circle and it was a completely Night Elf organization who “allowed” them to practice Druidism.

“Though it is widely known that Staghelm is at odds with High Priestess Tyrande, only the highest ranking members of the Cenarion Circle and the Sisters of Elune are aware of just how far the disagreements extend — the two are locked in a bitter power struggle that has secretly polarized the night elf government.”

My source is just as valid as yours.

What he believed isn’t the truth. He, regardless, had no role in Kaldorei Government.

Your source has no citation lol.

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Wowwiki. Like I said, just as good as yours.