Is it too late to make Hero Talent just a cosmetic feature?

With testing quickly approaching, I think it might be beneficial to keep an open mind about this. As more and more Hero Talents are shared, there appears to be quite a bit of community concern (from what I see on the forums and social media) about a range of issues from design philosophy to the evergreen potential of the system. The feedback I’ve seen reminds me a lot of the feedback regarding covenant abilities during Shadowlands testing, but instead of 2 abilities, TWW has mini trees. While I’m sure a lot of people will say we haven’t even gotten to test them, I just want to caution that feedback is needed QUICKLY for these, since TWW is set to release in “Summer 2024”. Don’t fall into the trap of “it’s only alpha” then “it’s only beta” because that quickly becomes “well we don’t have enough time to iterate.”

Below, is a great idea I saw on the forums to unlock these as part of a series of epic questlines.