Hero Talents - Not too late to make it mostly cosmetic

Hear me out first.

Issues with the talents are compounding quickly, and will continue to do so with tier sets etc

Why not just make them cosmetic? Epic questlines to get a sweet new ‘hero class’ is just as cool as ‘you just get it as you level’

You could give each spec individual talents to choose as their ‘hero ability’ - like frost fire mage would still work, but every time you cast meteor you still cast blizzard. or pick a Single target one like every fireball casts frostbolt, or every Pyroblast casts Glacial spike, something like that.

Give us epic quests to pick up each talent, kind of like Season of Discovery but more easily noticeable.

They could even be picked up from … Order halls…!

Making it mostly cosmetic will allow the balance teams to work on the actual talent trees much more thoroughly. EVERY SINGLE OPTION/talent you add in will have to be managed, so make it few, and make it IMPORTANT.

It’s perfectly ok to walk it back to a simpler style. We’re early! Think of all the time you will save in the future, headaches you will avoid!


Why are people so afraid of change? Literally no one has tried hero talents yet, but so many have negative opinions. Change is good, it keeps things fresh.


Right? Alpha’s probably only a few weeks out now. Might even be before the end of March.

Could at least try them out first.

So you’ve played them then?

Or are you going by youtuber opinion about datamining?

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Until we them in our hands, and people who are more equipped to test them can voice about it, we shouldn’t be worrying too much. Hero talents are going to be an adjustment for all of us, and the only people who are really going to tell us the meat and potatoes is a combination of Blizzard, and top end players who do the theory crafting.

Let’s not go ahead and kill an idea before anyone’s had an opportunity to test.

Because, We know that Blizzard doesn’t have the response time…Remember covenants?

Everyone at Blizzcon were talking about their covenant when it was announced like Harry Potter houses, then the first alpha hit and everything changed to BIS power player covenant…RWF doing 4 of the same class.

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They’re literally already changing Oracle due to feed back.

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Exactly and there’s players that want more cosmetics options and Hero talents are like that Class skins that some players expected for years. Now its being changed to a power system. Not everyone cares about player power specifically.

I’m not afraid of change, im afraid of blizzards ability to properly balance the hero talents with respect to normal talents

Blizzard likes to add things just to add things, things being new doesn’t mean good, Shadowlands and the faction powers mixed with anima grinding exemplifies this.

Change can be good, change isn’t always good, change just to change is doing something for nothing and makes no sense.

I just have little to no faith in blizzard


Came here to basically say this. Tying player power to a system like this is impossible to balance when layered on top of all the other player power systems. So this will end up like all the other player power “choices” where there is a right selection and a wrong selection, which means there isn’t a choice to begin with.


I personally can’t wait to have such an obscene amount of haste cuz the dev can’t think of anything for blood except just making DD the most important thing ever and giving us a billion haste

Sure is nice to not ever be updated

These are not cosmetic but even more impactful than the hero talents that have been shown so far.

Hero talents are meant to be an extension of Talent trees. They aren’t class skins. They are talents that have some cosmetic flavor and are meant to give a bit of class fantasy. The whole point of them is to be part of your talent tree. So making them purely cosmetic wouldn’t make much sense.

The previews they have shown just flatly look like “more plates to spin for the same performance”.

I would much rather have them be highly thematic, only slightly throughput oriented, or even more thematically altering.

An example is to allow sub specs or alternate ways to play a spec that would be interesting. Like gladiator warrior, 2handed enhancement, etc

In my opinion, Hero Talents have a few major issues:

  1. Talents are evergreen, adding more talents is simply going to recreate the issue Dragonflight literally just fixed. We’ll see another talent revamp after this World Soul Saga of expansions most likely.
  2. Hero Talents will likely be “leveling rewards” as you progress through 71-80. This means you get 1 talent per level, which means 12-13(?) new talents (10 points, but factor in choice nodes). The Starter Builds are great for accessibility, but a big problem is information bloat. A huge amount of talents are mechanical changes, and nearly all of them are 1-point nodes. This is already huge burden on players – very few are checking their talents. They made a huge mistake in Dragonflight by making all talents available via gates, instead of by brackets or by Artifact pathing. (If they remade Legion Artifact powers, with choice nodes included, is it drastically reduce complexity and be significantly easier to balance “ST vs AOE” builds.)
  3. There’s no more room on the Talent pane. If even more talents are added. Adding a scroll function in the future would exacerbate #1 and #2 in this post. In which case, are talents going to be expanded again in 12.0, or skipped? I strongly doubt that talents won’t receive more iteration in the future, but there’s no place to put those extra points.
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So for 10 levels we get absolutely nothing for talent points just so you can have sparkles or a different color?

That doesn’t sound at all interesting.

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Ahh, the spirit of transmogging is strong.

I love transmog. I live for transmog.

My talent tree isn’t transmog.

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I like transmogging also! :fist_right: :fist_left: