Is it time to ban auction house addons?

Yes. I already posted the link.

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Because it’s a predatory form of gameplay that benefits very few and worsens the game experience of many. It’s essentially just robbing people. It adds nothing to the game. That’s why.

It’s just a fancy clock.

Short answer: No
Better answer: Ban anyone who says ban addons for having terrible takes and worshiping Asmongold


what i’ve seen cause this is the first listing is a low price low number of items then the price jumps 2x or 3x.

They should of never combined all the AH within zones like all of NA or all of EU…we didn’t have this issue as much when only your realm or connect realms showed up on the AH you were using…add in its about time they put a stop too mass cancelling and relisting of items over and over within mins of posting it first time…once you post it on the AH it stays there till either its sold or time runs out on how long you put it up in the AH ie 24hrs …48hrs…

Here’s a tshirt for you. I’d prefer you promote the idea this way rather than here, but you do you. :sunglasses:


yep. and Blizzard has been delusional about it for a while.

WoW does not need 300 servers in 2024, and they’re doing everything except actually merging the servers for whatever reason. Cross-Realm this, Cross-Faction that, all to try and avoid “WoW is dying” blog posts.

rip the bandaid off, do real Server Merges, and move on.

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Yes they would. It would just take 30 min instead of 15 to post them.

Yes it has been proven

Tom Ellis:

What’s silly is blaming add-ons with no understanding or evidence.

And add-ons were more likely to cause problems back in the day but that’s not why they nerfed them.


Who cares about low pop servers amirite?!


Just take it off regionwide, problem solved, who cares if prices vary across servers, it just creates opportunities for players (not bots) to find a niche

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Regionwide AH is great, and necessary as long as Blizzard refuses to do sensible server mergers (which are long overdue).

The botting and clog addons are unnecessary. Get rid of them.

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Just make it so when players cancel auctions they have to wait 10m to repost that auction, or wait 60 seconds till it shows up in the mailbox if they buy something

Or grey out the cancel auction button after 60 seconds.

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AH is a mess and a test of one’s patience. This what you want your customers to experience Blizz? 20 years this games been out…fix your auction house.

Blizzard doesn’t update here with anything other than the latest news in nerfs.

But it appears that people from Blizzard post elsewhere, somewhere, anywhere, as long as it’s not the official Blizzard WoW forums.

Again, read this:

From Tom Ellis, Senior Game Producer:


You can pry my addons from my cold, dead hands.


If you think this is addons fault, you’re gullible


You have activated my AUTO RELEASE IN PVP Leatrix Addon!

How about bejeweled? Can we bring that one back?