Is it time to ban auction house addons?

Blizzard is not going to refund the money people spend on it. The outrage it would cause is worse than your two week drama on AH mats. Git gud nub

I support this

we are talking about DBM and WA. They just simplify the game for you its not even debatable.

Sure, if you had a 100 years, maybe. And Auditors could do everything without excel. Doesnt negate the fact that it helps AUTOMATE THE PROCESS.

They would have removed the auction house vendor on existing mounts 4 years ago if they were worried about that.

Not happening.

It is way, way. way past time to ban TSM. It stores data and logic, so that, while the user may have to make a click or similar physical input, that one click can drive a computation that makes decisions. It is completely unfair.

I don’t feel so strongly about the others. Auctionator and Auctioneer don’t have the same complex logic capabilities,

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Go to Nazjatar and do the murloc trading game without using the murloc trading game Weak Aura.

Congratulations. You effectively just did what TSM does for auction houses. It is a manual process that makes it easier to do it. That’s all there is to it. And fun fact: I didn’t know that the trading aura existed originally, so I just mapped out the values of each one in an excel document and did it myself. I have also beaten the nightmare maze using no addons (tried using one, it was bad so I decided to do it myself with pen and paper).

It takes 10 minutes. Unironically, it takes 10 minutes of basic applied economics to do these things.

It doesn’t matter however many times you repeat this: imagining something to be true, doesn’t make it true. It is a tool that makes the auction house easier to use and it makes it faster to use, that’s true. But nothing about that automates anything.

It takes publicly available information, and presents it to the player in a way that makes it faster. Just the same way that the Murloc Trading Weak Aura didn’t automate it; all it did was make it faster, that’s it.


ban all addons


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It’s not the add-ons. I use default UI for buying mats and there’s thousands of other doing the same thing just constantly refreshing and trying to grab deals.

Just limit the addons more by blocking them from mass scanning the AH

Been this ways for a few xpacs now, what are they waiting for?

They see the AH data, they see it all, so they know the pain regular players are feeling.

Do they care though?

Well they haven’t done anything, so there’s your answer.

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I don’t really know how you could ban them from a code stand point without breakig nearly every other mod.

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Sorry but a bot account is a payed subscription

I liked being able to sell to my server, so I think the change should not have been retroactive towards all servers. It would have been more ideal had the market been merged on lower pop servers together til’ their market was about the same as the healthy pop servers.

This way I could have felt better about farming ore and herbs and not like it was a waste of time. This way I benefit and so do those needing raw materials as well.

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The takes are so bad that some of them must be coming from people who’ve never even played.

It’s the exact opposite of unfair. TSM is a patch on WoW’s ridiculously Byzantine auction and crafting systems.

As other players have pointed out, among other things, the transmog market would cease to exist without TSM.

The fact that WoW’s AH can’t cope with an entirely predictable scenario is the fault of the company being paid to provide a service, not the players paying for it.

Oh yeah absolutely. I refuse to use WA, I do like the Voice Procs on DBM but Blizz has gotten good at adding voicelines on big attacks so I haven’t used that in like 6 years.

If you think it’s addons causing this problem then you probably shouldn’t be using the AH. People are the cause. Unwashed masses of people.


They aren’t even using soap? Gross!

That’s wow!

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