Is it time to ban auction house addons?

how do you know its not those 5 people using TSM and buying everything

Sorry that your “gig” of farming BoE greens that you have to constantly re-list because people aren’t buying them would be ruined.

Seriously… you’re saying the AH should be slowed to a crawl, so that you and every other “I’ll be RICH some day selling BoE’s that people don’t buy” can keep clogging up the AH with your “wares” that people don’t buy.

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No, people just don’t understand supply and demand. Regional AH is a great idea.


Is it time to ban auction house addons?

Short answer: No.

Long Answer: Nope.


Huh… I guess my ability to use my eyes count as automation in that case. Since that’s quite literally what “scanning” is, but also in TSM’s case (as far as I have understood it) they just use a regional database. In other words, public records.

This is literally what TSM does.
That’s essentially all of what TSM does except also present information in a more sensible fashion. You can do literally everything TSM does manually without the addon. It is a convenience tool, it can’t do something you cannot do without it.

No, it means that I understand and care for intellectual honesty. I ain’t spinning anything I’m telling you that you are making a problem when there isn’t one, not in terms of anything system-wide. The auction house is breaking down because it is popular at the start of an expansion.

That’s more or less all there is to it.

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It was bad enough when realms got connected to other realms…but being connected too 200+ realms is just wrong …


it’s great. Made 88 million in DF cause of it.

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Well, it’s a better idea than having everything server side, given how bad the economy was on many low pop realms.

The lack of badly needed server mergers is a root cause of many issues in WoW, sadly.

big realms are great else people wouldn’t flock to like 5 realms.

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…and then complain on launch day about the lag.

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I think the problems would be solved if auction posts were uncancellable and each post could have it’s list price changed one time.


That happens anyway though. And you can blame sharding (or lack of.) TWW launch was smooth though.

Folks fly to the forums every start of a new expac with this argument. And once the “Gold Rush” of everyone and their mother trying to power-level the new crafting professions dies down and material prices stabilize, they stop flooding the forums. Funny how that works, almost like there might be an actual normal supply and demand situation going on.

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none of you bums will be AH goblins. Just adapt, advise, and overcome! The whining from grown adults on this forum over pixels is insane.

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Greying out the cancel auction button after 60 seconds would do a lot of good.

Enough time to correct a “whoops I posted the wrong thing” or “whoops I left off a zero”. But the cancel-repost botting needs to stop.


Takes less than 60 seconds to cancelscan though.

Then we’re back to banning TSM & co. Fine with me.

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Don’t even need TSM. With default UI, can cancelscan in maybe 20 seconds.


I forgot - the Brutosaur needs to go, too.