Is it time to add a 24H ICD to druid shapeshift snare removals?

I main Warrior, lol

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(Im memeing, its a running joke that warriors are unplayable in pvp because no self heals. They have some healing talents but their kit is mainly absorb shields like condemn/ignore pain shields and arms are so overtuned right now that it’s hilarious to say “buff warriors no self heals” and then blizz keeps giving them +5% damage buff every tuning pass)

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Can’t speak for the other three but arms certainly can’t. Unless you talent into improved leap/double charge (key word: talent into) then arms has pretty bad overall mobility. I don’t do much arena but as far as I know neither of those are taken in any rated PvP.

The only “infinite” mobility arms has would be as Venthyr and with the death sentence PvP talent. Venthyr is the worst PvE/PvP covenant so no one is running that, and death sentence only works in execute range.

keep in mind, if you have the druid shapeshifting a lot to remove snares while you are on top of them, they aren’t actively doing anything else useful.

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no. that would ruin the silly playing chicken with the ground game play.

Warrior is a bit of a grey area in my opinion, I can see them needing a couple changes too. But I do agree that as a Frost DK it is way to hard to keep up with the endless mobility of a Druid.

People don’t realize how much absurd damage mitigation warriors have.

You seem new to Warrior in general because if you’re going to lose uptime you just swap targets.
Also double time can be fine, bounding is obviously trolling.

Mentioned earlier this is for casual/random WPVP. There isn’t always a target to swap to. Druid sure as hell isn’t swapping off me.

If you’re in an isolated 1v1 with a Druid (or most classes) then you’re already dead if you didn’t brute force kill them in the first 20-30 seconds.

Dude you can’t expect people to take you seriously when you’re asking classes to be balanced around open world pvp.

Dude warriors are so broken right now it’s insane lol

You could still play chicken. Added bonus is that you’d win every time.

open world pvp is also considered the free for all mode where anything and everything is fair play. hence gently squeezed toad 1 shot combos being 100% A-O-K

Never once have I asked for open world PvP balance or any sort of balance other than removing an absurdly broken baseline part of one class. Quick forum search shows I’m certainly not the first (or last) person to complain about it.

Editing to show a very recent one with some similar gripes. Wish I had seen it sooner: I'd like Druids to be trash next expansion - #123 by Lkatmahbeard-sargeras

PvP isn’t ever going to be balanced or tuned around world pvp, or 1v1s, or anything casual like that dude. If you’re looking for a fair fight then running some 3s is your best bet in this game.

Ahh, honestly I probably shouldn’t be commenting here so I’ll just dip out of the conversation. I haven’t stepped foot into PvP since 9.0 and I haven’t played for real since July so you know better than I do. I just know I hate druid shapeshifting breaking snares as a FDK player.

Oh I hate it too believe me lol. I don’t really know that much either honestly as I’m just starting to get into the 1900-2k range so I just defer to Sovereign or Battlemaster on anything pvp related lol.


 not asking for any massive overhaul in PvP balance here. If I did I’d be whining about convoke or marks one shotting people.

My gripe is with one blatantly overpowered mechanic that allows one specific class to have near-infinite mobility. That’s not a balancing or tuning issue, it’s a core mechanic that needs removed or redesigned.

Yeah but it’s pretty manageable inside rated pvp is what I’m saying.