I'd like Druids to be trash next expansion

Oh, trust me. As a Enhancement user, we need to peg everyone down.


Druids are fun. They also carry us around too. Be happy druids.

wiggles toes

wait til you get kicked in the face by a tauren. then you will reconsider how far their hooves can reach

DKs are one of the bottom 3 classes and specs right now lol

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Then they got the wrong leggo and conv for spec cause they are beasts.

I legit struggle with druids the least in pvp so far. Monks even undergeared slap the highest on damage from what I’ve seen, the burst is insane and if you want to focus them they will just Karma you. Also, as someone who played Monk I can say their mobility is fairly decent. I love the teleporting as heals, makes it easy. Also chi torpedo etc. Next biggest issue for me is MM hunter. Getting double aimed shot for 75% of my health (when it crits) with 30% versa is really concerning to say the least. Although druids are versatile and I’ve had mine since TBC I still don’t think it’s that fun to play.

No, no they don’t. Look at the rankings. Both DK specs are bottom tier for raiding and C tier at best for PvP. Theirs only a single DK rated above 2.9k

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Bottom, Top, Middle, it doesn’t matter. We’ll always have the Moonglade Beat!


Until Resto Druids don’t have to expend a GCD to get into the glyph treant form, I’ll keep insisting that Druids are ignored and need buffs.

Kinda miss the least played class days tbh, had people playing the class cause they loved it, not to abuse whatever.

Anyway more on topic never take nerf posts from shammys or S priests seriously, ancient druid enemies for a reason.


Don’t let facts get in the way of your “I want my stuff”

Someone has to be on the bottom. It may as well be a class I don’t play. Tough luck druids :wink:

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Every spec of Druid has been viable for ALL content for as long as I can remember.
I don’t think they should be nerfed into the ground but I think everyone can agree that they need some changes.
That or just make every other class as strong which would be better.

I don’t mind if they stay as strong, I just wish other classes got half the love Druids get.

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I’m not sure if this is bad but when you’re invited to a raid as a last choice as a healer with your only job to keep three lifeblooms rolling on a tank… well, it’s not fun. Oh, and our battle Reznick.


Mained my Rogue for the first half of Legion…I was in love with Ravenholt. Tis a shame really

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Paladins and monks can range dps? Cool story.

Do people want to argue just to argue?


I mean resto was a terrible pick in 9.0, far behind hpal, rsham and disc for pvp. It came back into the meta now though

You do realize the roles are tank dps and healer right? Melee vrs range dps is a sub category.

Do people say stupid things just because they were wrong?

Destroy the mage tower with all of them inside. It’s the perfect plan.

Also rename mage tower to druid tower. Do this anyway even if we don’t destroy it.