Is it time to add a 24H ICD to druid shapeshift snare removals?

Not really lol it’s annoying in 2v2 but that’s about it

I have more mobility as a Monk than a Druid, imo.

… you want to neuter classes just for something the devs even abandoned? Seriously?

God I hate monks


this is where the focus appears to be directed. hence the inference that is exactly what you are asking without directly stating it.

and such modes are not any where close to balanced in the slightest. a mobility perk is very low in terms of balance issues. its a non issue. its even a tactical gameable counter.

a Druid in bear shifts to cat or travel. stun and kill while they are out of form. gg.

Yeah nerf leg sweep, should be nerfed to at least a 5 year cooldown. Like the tauren racial is a worse version of it bro.

24 Hours?
No? lol