Is it time to add a 24H ICD to druid shapeshift snare removals?

Remove them altogether? What are your thoughts?

Also remove execute/condemn charge mobility from warriors
Remove mage shimmer

And we will have peace

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It’s a mechanic they’ve had forever, so no.


Agree with everything you just said.

Druid shapeshift snare removal (not even going into travel form) is just so broken in WPVP/unrated BGs. So completely outdated. Like the gnome racial does the same thing on a 1.5 min cd and is literally their entire racial.

Why should one class have so much?

Remove plate armor from Warriors. Remove charge, remove any self heals. Oh, not what you had in mind?

What are you trying to remove now? Our ability to shapeshift? Or that our shapeshift breaks snares and traps?

Either way, that idea can go right back up in that fourth point of contact where it came from.

This is a bait thread right lol

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Actually warriors need a buff, they don’t have self heals

Escape Artist is on a 60s CD

you forgot freedom and bubble

My bad. Haven’t played a gnome in forever. Point still stands, there’s a full class racial on a CD that does what druids do for absolutely no reason. Their mobility is through the roof and needs toned down a bit. Shapeshift snare clearing is something that has been around forever, yes, but at the same time has no place in modern WoW.

I will edit this and say if it could be balanced out as a talent then sure keep it around. But make them give up something like travel form or some other huge mobility talent.

Warrior talent row is perfectly balanced in this respect. We have a stun, an extra charge, or a self heal. Three completely different things for different scenarios. Druids pretty much have whole talent rows as baseline whereas every other class needs to give something up.

Freedom is instantly purged by dhs, hunters, priests, shamans, blood elves, tryhard warlocks and mages because we don’t have self buffs to protect it and no dispel protection

So no i’m not counting freedom as anything meaningful since every comp has an answer to it

Arbitrarily states the guy who got kited likely due to a misplay.

why should warriors have any sort of self healing? it makes no sense. picking up a sword and screaming shouldn’t undo damage. the blood of your enemies isn’t some sort of magic.

For Druids, it makes logical sense that shapeshifting would clear a root or snare because you are altering the the physical being in a magical way. that is, you replace one form for another. why would your place the new limb back into a root or snare? spawn it outside of of the entrapment.

So would you agree with me if I said paladins needed an unlimited charge hand of freedom? That’s literally what shapeshift snare removal is. Hit a button, remove all snares.

Then shift into travel form and move at mount speed. No class can catch up with infinite mobility.


Windwalker, Feral, Havoc and Arms can.
Rogue, too, actually.

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Did it get removed? They had one last time i played warrior.

Dude coming from a fellow warrior you don’t have a right to complain lol.

You can’t reason with it… It’s a druid player. It will never understand the plight of us non-favorite classes of the devs.

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Not pvp-related, but how about any object interaction remove travel form. Also, add a cast time to travel form, even if it’s just .5 seconds.

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