Is it the holidays or is retail pvp just dead?

im genuinely curious how many of you are still in school like collage / university etc and how many of you are still off for the holidays on xmas brake? ty guys . i just want to know if its really the holideys causing low participation or if pvp is just down atm

Your whole post screams “ima virgin”

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GBL isn’t for players that are weak of mind.

It’s ok… keep playing hunter.

I was a pokemon fan… when I was 6.

Biggest reason is simply it’s not that fun ( objectively ) to heal in PvP anymore.

Especially Solo Shuffle.

I’m not a super high ranked player but … The rewards from a healer perspective rating wise are abysmal in Solo Shuffle.

Watching dps go splits with 3/3 and get points while I get 0 for the same thing is pretty much a deal killer at this point.

No real point in investing time to get better and or enjoy the game when Healers get punished for simply playing currently.

I think theres quite a bit making S1 feel pretty dead.

-New classic servers are massively popular right now so that definitely took some players. And its the holidays.

-MMR issues at the start of the season likely led to some people quitting for the season since pushing up to 1800-1900 led to vsing r1 players in shuffle the first month or so of the season which is quite bad. Or at the very least, people are just waiting until the end of the season to push/get their rewards because thats what the system incentivizes. Practically get free 2.1k+ if you wait, and makes the push much shorter. MMR system needs some big changes to make this more consistent and incentivize playing rather than waiting.
-Also, healers still have the really awful issue of getting queued into a lower mmr healer causing them to lose CR/mmr for a 3-3 or barely gaining anything for 4-2 5-1 etc. This happens to help queue times, but punishes healers heavily. Has been a massive complaint since DF s1, has not been fixed.

-Game feels bloated overall, Im still having fun and I think pvp is overall not terrible but the bloat just feels annoying sometimes. Too many passive things going on imo, too much passive tankiness and too many passive slows/roots.

-Early tuning frustrations. Took a bit too long to get healers caught up to disc priest/pres early on, and some healers are still not there. MW/hpal/disc/pres are all very good, but rsham and holy priest still need a bit of help and for a couple months it was just disc/pres. On top of that, due to all the bloat in the game tuning ends up all over the place frequently.

-Lastly, there are a ton of pvp modes now. Shuffle, blitz, regular rated bgs, 3s, 2s. People are fragmented, I dont think this is contributing nearly as much as the other issues though, but it does contribute a bit.

could be idk its just ggs ig etc

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They’re still on break from the holidays when Shadowlands was released. It’s been a few years and they’ll be heading home anytime now. Be patient. Traffic exists. Shadowlands wasn’t long ago. Give them time.

Shadowlands kind of poppin’, though, especially after the unmitigated trainwreck that was BFA.

I actually loved the Shadowlands expansion. It had a deep dark feeling in it that WoW needed for years. BFA was okay but not great at all.

I’m just saying they’re still on vacation since late november 2020, and that everyone should be patient. Everyone, including Blizzard’s huge and underpaid team, needs a break every now and then.

this isnt true xmas brake only lasts what two weeks?

Well this one has been going on for 4 years, which is normal and understandable. You all need to be patient.


Bro noone playing this game is in college we have jobs

:chart_with_upwards_trend: :credit_card: :money_mouth_face: jobs

Honestly, i’ve always played video games more during the holiday season.

Less than 5% of players are active in PvP. It is, in fact, dead.

Hey, at least we’re considerably better off than keys.

I’m not sure if that helps; Blizzard will do everything they can to ensure it’s better. Meanwhile they’ll keep band-aiding inflation into an ancient ranked system that literally does nothing, nor rewards anything at worst. But I guess at least all parts of the game are bad by your logic? Yay.

What, keys? No. They care about them less than they do about pvp.

Hmm? Ranked system is fine.

Aside from I guess 2s being pointless and Blitz having people above 900 mmr above where they should be.

We can’t continue our conversation anymore if you’re going to sit there and defend their non-working “ranked” system or their near decade old Honor/Reward system. It all must be gutted with a redux to modernize their game.