Is it the holidays or is retail pvp just dead?

are the holidays really the reason why retail pvp feels so dead or are players just doing other things like mythic+ and raiding?

It’s a combination of things. The holidays, people bored with game, people upset with the mmr system and how it works, people upset with premades, people upset with lack of attention to PvP itself. The list goes on. It’s not just one specific thing.


If you are pointing this out due to SS ques on a DPS. Im not sure anyone has the answer.

My DPS ques are always forever, and BGs on Horde que under 3 mins so hard to say honestly.

It’s obvious that the PVP participation is low, but Blizz never seems to care.

If they did they would just try random things to see if it would peak interest

The new classic servers are definitely absorbing alot of the population right now. I know I’ve spent a few days on them myself.

I stayed in the blitz queue for two hours with no pop. After the first 15 minutes without a queue pop, I decided to queue for both regular and epic bgs at the same time. I played quite a few of both, but still no blitz pop.

I guess holiday season pvp isn’t very active. The bright side is that I still enjoy playing epic bgs, they’re casual, low pressure, and a lot of fun.

/10 char

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Most WoW players are here for the PvE content, and there hasn’t been any PvE content for a bit.
Storyline kinda stopped and recent content that was released has been around anniversary and holiday. That stuff is mostly short-lived, so players will clear that for the rewards then wait to see an announcement that expansion content is being released.

11.0.7 stuff looks pretty good. New zone with new things to do. Lots of new mogs and stuff for people into that.
Plunderstorm coming back will be exciting for a lot of players.
It will have a practice mode that you can do before going against other players.
It would be great for them to expand on that with other forms of PvP to help players familiarize with the mechanics.

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It’s the holidays. Everyone is on Christmas break traveling long distances to be with family so no internet etc. Queues will pick back up mid-January once everyone gets back home.

If players are on holidays they have more time to play, it is not because they are out traveling long distances (more people than ever can’t afford that)

In past times this time of year and going forward has had a large participation rate.

People don’t have internet, good one


MMR system is hot garbage

Nothing left to chase (I only do duelist every season then dip cause I’m not good enough / have a friend list to push 2400 with)

Xpac is honestly really mid. Doesn’t feel as engaging as Df does to me

From my perspective, the game is really just dead.

Some might enjoy the classic hype right now and come back after, others wait for the mmr inflation to make it easier, etc. But even when all that will come back would be back right now, it would still feel dead.

PvP is just not fun anymore! Massive passive “please annoy me”-mechanics like perma slows from range, multi MS on people while rotting them down (feral/assa), classes with massive cc that do more damage than classes without good cc (Outlaw) and so on.

The devs just look onto numbers and when your damage is lagging behind in certain aspects of the game, they might buff you. Or nerf your damage when you are massively ahead. But what they don’t do is to consider the toolkit while “balancing” the damage.

Because if they did, Rogues would never be able to deal as much damage as most other classes! The same goes for BM Hunter and Frost Mages. Or Fury would never get such a high single target burst that he can kill people from 50% in a single global.

They show no love or even interest in PvP, that is why it is dying. I really think they have nobody left in a deciding position who would ever play arena. Someone who is seeing what is going on and what makes it so unfun to play.

As a PvPer you are a 3rd class person in this game, that is the sad truth! When a game is more frustrating than fun and you even have to pay to play the game, you must be a real sadist to keep playing!


The gap between duelist and glad range is almost double the gap between glad and R1. The game won’t feel alive until basically last month of the season at this point.

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i mean ig so idk /shrug . guess well find out in february when the holidays our joever ig
also is anyone else off on xmas brake from school? press 1 in the chat

Same garbage dozer bait post as always.

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The gap between Rank 1 and gladiator (2400 rating) is 157 rating/ 370 spots on the ladder. Also, being 2400 in 3v3 right now puts you in the top .38%.

The gap between gladiator (2400 rating) and duelist is 300 rating obviously but the difference is 2,260 spots on the ladder. Also, being 2100 in 3v3 right now puts you in the top 2.1%.

Being the absolute last player on page 10 of the 3v3 rankings on WoW armory would still put you within the top .76%.


fs this

retail feels very alive on Monday+Tuesday nights, weekends: I get insta-qs in all brackets as healer, lfg has steady activity, on Tich there is constant banter in trade chat, rare and odd things are still selling on AH, etc

still true and crucial to say pvp needs better rewards and more queue options / dynamic solo queueing

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highly doubt it but ig ill take youre word for it ig idk man but hey you do you ggs enjoy the holiday brake

Path of exile 2 released a few days ago.

A genuine good game and it’s like a black hole of Internet sucking up everyone in the RPG circle

Spam blitz, every moron and their mother is 2400 in blitz. It’s a coinflip simulator though, might get there in 50 games, might get there in 500.

I’ve been really enjoying Solo Arena, went 5 of 6 last queue. patting my own back
More to the Original post, queue times are long for dps even at my mediocre rating as I just started playing this character. I just queue for no less than 3 content types at the same time and hunt for war crates while I wait. At least one of the queues pop in 10 min or so and thats good enough for me. I can mine ore or something during the wait time.

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