Is it the holidays or is retail pvp just dead?

The reason PVP is slower this season is a very simple reason ( not some magic guesswork)

We men have gotten older which in turn has given us better income ( higher than non gamers) So women in this economy ( the hot ones ) have been wifyed by us gamers so we are busy making “love” instead of pvp

don’t make things so difficult

so as soon as the hot wifey we have goes back to her boyfriend we will be playing again

I predict in January



wth is this some kind of a weird troll?

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You mean like all your post?

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how are my posts troll if they are simple basic questions? im so confused

This is 1000% off base.

Games dead and numbers continue to decline.

Its pretty dead. People are playing hardcore and PoE 2. It seems more like a chore to log-in to WoW than actual fun. Stand in Dornagal sitting in queue for hours. Yay fun game

That’s what I do. And I noticed that once it gets rolling, you always have something to play.

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That doesn’t work when you get higher in Cr/MMR.

It’s always a 35/40 minute wait.

I wasn’t referring to rated only.

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POE 2 methinks.

It sounds like you’re frustrated with the game. Maybe you’d enjoy it more if you didn’t, by your own admission, intentionally throw and troll.

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Uhhhh. Have you looked at the numbers?

This isn’t new information everyone is talking about it.

h ttps://

Games dead dude…Accept it and start looking for other things to do.

Pokemon Go, League Of Legends, POE.

I haven’t been logging in and have been trying out new games.

I’ve played since vanilla and it’s sad to see it but it’s happening.

ALTHOUGH POE2 is a great game i still dont think thats whats causing retail to die off im almost certain its the holideys but i could be wrong ig idk ggs man

It’s not I ran the numbers. Also Oregon Trail and Number Munchers have siphoned off a sizable portion of the player base.

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POE2 plus the holidays = rip retail pvp

Im getting 20+ min solo shuffle queues for the past 3/4 days

Are u 12 or something?

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a lot of players are young still in school thats why the pvp queues are kind of dead the holideys ig idk

The fact that you say that tells me you understand very little about that game.

You can literally make thousands of comps to utilize and pvp with that have interchangeable abilities.

You can theory craft endlessly when it comes to comps and setups.

You’re literally responsible for your entire teams ability usage and timing of swaps depending on what you’re facing.

I mean I get it…You play hunter and face rolled above 2k finally…