Is it the holidays or is retail pvp just dead?

Need high honor level rewards and more honor for killing high ranked players. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: Ranked is mostly fine, though, yeah.

so ig the general consensus is holidays has nothing to do with retail dying out? ig idk ggs man you do you and all that jazz /shrug

No offense here (really), but you’re the problem with why we can’t move forward. You’re content with sub-mediocrity, and Blizzard is more than happy to set the table for you.

Can you tell me why you’re okay with getting nearly zero fresh content (recycled maps/game modes or arena maps are not content), a ranked system that is both punishing to both new and old players alike, a ranked system that only benefits the best with rewards, an honor system that gives some of the worst “rewards” for time spent I’ve ever seen in a game, damn near full negligence on balancing – and sometimes it’s just to flip the meta for you all to fotm re-roll so they can make more money without making new content.

You need to wake up, man. You deserve better. What you ‘get’ in PvP right now doesn’t justify a sub cost.