Is It Safe To Say It's Not Just Nostalgia?

Can you show by this definition that this thread is a duplicate of another thread?

The welcome topic in this post literally says that this forum is for:

The World of Warcraft forums are for discussion of topics directly related to World of Warcraft.

Sometimes threads that talk about Classic do get moved to the Classic subforum, but threads like these aren’t in the wrong subforum because Classic WoW is a discussion related to World of Warcraft.

It is an opinion. Whether or not the opinion offends you doesn’t matter. Calling that trolling is a stretch.

It is. You’re pivoting the argument from the current one to the “hypocrisy of Classic players”

Which you couldn’t provide the evidence for literally one post ago.


I don’t understand what you’re saying. Are you trying to say that I’m being logically inconsistent?

Classic forums is for Classic Discussion.

If you want to go have a giant echo chamber of people agreeing with your nostalgia go there.

We have well over 100 “Classic is great, haha, retail is bad, haha” threads just in this month alone.

If you wanna talk about Classic, go talk in the classic forums, they were -literally- made for that.

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…I literally said

So. Yes. I can? I don’t know what you are talking about here.

Yes. I am.

When a community manager/Blizzard outlines the rules, you apparently feel you should be able to ignore them when convenient.

When a community manager/Blizzard makes a Blue post that agrees with what you state, you apparently feel that suddenly this is a battle flag. And you must be sure that others know you are merely following the rules.

Even if it was 100% nostalgia, what’s the difference between someone who’s having a genuinely good time playing it right now and someone who only thinks they’re having a good time because of nostalgia? Either way, lots of people are liking it now. Like they always said they would.

If it’s 100% nostalgia, I want to make sure that is clear, so that we don’t make decisions about the modern game based on that.

If it’s not, and there are a few immersive elements that can safely be brought to the modern game, then fine. But what I’m afraid of is people seeing a surge in classic popularity, then making a decision to alter the modern game to emulate classic, before realizing that the classic population was about to crash because the main draw was nostalgia.

Obligatory reminder that wows peak global subscriber number of ~12mm players included people who played a few hours in a gaming cafe in Asia.

Not all “subscribers” are created equal.

You saying that you can do something literally isn’t giving me evidence. It’s a statement.

Just link the thread that’s an exact duplicate. The definition of this being spam is perhaps literally one the easiest things here to prove wrong.

Okay so you’re saying that I’m cherrypicking the rules that I like despite the fact that in this thread I haven’t expressed any sort of disagreement with the CoC.

Literally all I said was that the pinned topic to this thread says that this forum is for discussions related to World of Warcraft. Is Classic World of Warcraft not related to World of Warcraft?

This is you asking if I can how you something.

My response was “Yes, I can do that”.

I know how you are picky about a person using exact words. Like “In my opinion” for statements. I am just trying to return the sentiment and go by your exact words.

You asked if I am able to do something. I replied that I am.

EDIT: Gah. Edited post rather than creating a new one. There seriously needs to be an undo edit option for this.

the main game is killing itself, it doesnt need classic to do that. classic will actually entice a sizable chunk of folks to resub, though.

i mean, the overall health of the game during wrath compared to what you encounter now was hard to argue.

i mean, to be fair this is discussing both versions of the game and is therefore a worthwhile discussion in either forum. im not sure why people find it so hard to scroll past thread topics they find annoying?

Creating a thread about an existing topic and creating a duplicate of a thread are synonymous.

By the way, I looked at the CoC again, turns out that Duplicate Threads and Spam are entirely different things, so the argument of duplicate threads doesn’t hold up at all, for the argument being made for this thread being “spam”

Spamming or Trolling

This category includes:

Excessively communicating the same phrase, similar phrases, or pure gibberish
Creating threads for the sole purpose of causing unrest on the forums
Causing disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters
Making non-constructive posts
Abusing the Reported Post feature by sending false alarms or nonsensical messages
Numbering a thread, IBTL, TLDR, or any other fad statements

This thread was not designed to discuss both versions of the game. It was to discuss nostalgia of Classic, streamers of Classic, and to make fun of the anti-Classic crowd.

You seem entirely too invested in this. This thread discusses both classic and live. Therefore it is a relevant topic to either forum.

There is no rule requiring that discussions regarding either version of the game must only contain glowing commentary.

If you dont like the comparison threads, simply scroll past them. Your blood pressure will be better off for it.

What part of the OP was discussing both classic and live?

‘Trolling’ is such a vague, catch-all term that I’m convinced the moderators don’t even know the definition of.

I don’t see it in the OP.

“playing Classic Beta more than retail”

Again, this is a topic that clearly upsets you, so for your own sake I’d really suggest just avoiding these threads rather than entering them against all logic and working yourself up over the discussion contained therein.

I’m just speaking objectively about the subscriber number. I’m making no point that wrath was better or worse than BFA or any other expansion.

Since you bring up wrath specifically, here is my obligatory reminder that when we had wrath in the west, and subs were at ~12mm, China was still on TBC. China did not get wrath until about 2-3 months before we got Cata.

Again, just putting info out there so people don’t blindly try to use the global subscriber numbers to prove whether x expansion was better/worse.

I am not upset, but I appreciate the condescending way you are pretending to care about me. It makes me feel like the Classic community is going to be in great hands with a lot of people that can fake niceties.

If you want to pretend a post that is about Classic Nostalgia, Classic Streamers, and a low job at the anti-Classic crowd is about comparing Classic vs Retail, then that is on you. And its rather silly.