You will not be able to step away and then come back and go into a new raid in classic. It takes that entire time to gear up, remember you have 40 people sharing 3-5 items per boss and no tokens (even wasted other faction specific drops). If you want to get into each new raid as it is released it will require weekly raiding in order to be ready for the next content
Why pivot the argument on the argument that other people are making instead of the argument that’s being currently argued?
Can you show me multiple threads where a thread that literally copies the title and the body exist in multiple iterations?
People can post about Classic in the Classic subforum, however, because Classic WoW is also a discussion related directly to World of Warcraft it’s not in the wrong forum. At this point I’ve seen so many Classic threads in GD die without being moved by the moderators.
Same. It’s impossible for me to be nostalgic about Vanilla when I didn’t play back then. Even during Wrath I remember people talking about how great it had been. I can’t wait to try out Classic and see for myself. I’ll be like the Noob in Nixxiom’s videos, but that’s ok.
Good point. I shouldn’t show the Classic Defenders to by hypocrites. It might make their “community” look bad. And I know how important that is.
Can I show you multiple threads that talk about classic streamers? and that talk about Classic being a real RPG? Or talks down on the anti classic crowd?
You bet I can.
You are right. The Classic posters can totally continue to show how poor their community is by ignoring basic forum etiquette.
Creating a separate thread about an existing topic for further discussion in more than one forum
If a player is found to have participated in such actions, he/she will:
Be given a temporary ban from the forums, depending upon severity
Sorry, but Blizzard created a separate forum specifically for Classic discussions, which makes this…the wrong forum to post classic topics. That is why they get moved.
“Is the anti-classic crowd going to eat their words once again just like the wall of no?? lol”
Isn’t an opinion. It is a statement made to take a dig at people.
If you insist on pivoting the argument then sure. Go ahead, it won’t help prove your argument either way because it’s a fallacy.
But you can’t prove your own claim that this thread is spam because the definition of spam used by people who’re anti-classic is loose and is logically inconsistent.
How’re they violating forum etiquette if they’re literally abiding by what a blue said in the welcome post?