Is It Safe To Say It's Not Just Nostalgia?

2 or 3 months? lol

You still seem to think of it like retail.

At this point you are trolling or have some childish need to see people you disagree with to ‘‘eat their words’’ as you put it.

At this point, if people like you or Asmongold or these new-gen twitch followers are gonna flood Classic, I want no part of it. For someone who praises Classic, you really paint the community in a bad light.

And that’s a shame 'cause instead of inviting newer players, some will see people like you and decide it’s not worth their time.


Yawn,i think I’ll take a nap,let you young ones debate it til the cow come home and is served as a steak for dinner.

Watch this video it really explains things about Nostalgia:

BRB. Looking for my goggles. The rose color tinted ones.

Still nostalgia. Ask again at Christmas.

Don’t you be forgetting about my Braum’s!

Vanilla was questing, raiding, and 3 battlegrounds. I find this claim to be rather curious.


Nah not really, vanilla will actually last and I think alot of people will stay with it. It has a clear progression path, that people miss. They know once they reach 60 that Character is done leveling and ready to get the BIS. It will take a very long time to get your dungeon set. A much longer time to get your first tier raid set. Raiding is also not the only thing to do at end game, you seem to forget that PVP is there. And you had to keep doing it every week to keep your honor up. So that is also something that will keep people playing.

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I expect to play just for the nostalgic feeling, but I also remember the pain that was 1-60 back in the day. I also fondly remember my guildies helping me farm and obtain the materials for my Charger quest, and doing the Scholomance encounter.

There was a lot that was awesome and unique during its time. Stuff like the old 0.5 quest chain for the dungeon set was fun, as were things like Rhok for hunters and other class themed experiences. But I also remember the annoyance of doing 40 man raids, and the sheer irritation of things like 5 min paladin buffs and -LITERALLY- being a bot with stuff like Whispercast and PallyPower.

Things like farming soul shards ONE at a time (and had to be on mobs that gave experience), making bread/water a stack at a time (which also required a lengthy quest through Dire Maul for the top level spell), hunting down/farming for your top level spell ranks via the AQ books, absolutely -terrible- itemization with things like Str/Int/Agi/Spi on everything. No sockets/jewelcrafting at all. Talent trees that were badly broken and often required useless skills to unlock your 51 point talent.

There’s a lot of good memories of the time, but they are equally counterbalanced by the grind and drudgery back then.


And you seem to think of it like we’re in 2004 and people don’t know how to play efficiently.

If Classic were designed like retail I would’ve said 3 weeks.


It was. Sure, there are numerically more things to do in Live but your whole list can be done in an hour. There are definitely more little dull things to do in BFA that each take 15 minutes vs doing a 5 man like Scholo or DM which could take 4 or 5 hours. It’s quality vs quantity.

Using MAU/DAU as opposed to just using sub numbers means it’s more important for Blizzard to get you logged on each day even if it’s just for 15 min. That’s why your list of things to do in BFA is filled with boring, ephemeral junk outside of Mythic Plus and Raiding.

The thing is I’m one of the people who don’t think someone should be getting Heroic Raid gear from doing WQ’s or AFKfronts.

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If you look closely at the OP’s character name it’s even more obvious in this case, they deliberately chose a name that can easily be misread as the abbreviation for a hate group if you only give it a brief glance.


  1. If it only takes you an hour, then you aren’t doing content.
  2. Spending hours in a dungeon auto attacking and drinking because you can’t cast more than a couple heals without draining all your mana isn’t fun or “quality”.

I remember the screaming when LBRS and UBRS became 5 man only, when folks were used to running 15 man groups. I also remember making lots of cash running out there to unlock the door, since the quest for the key was a pain.

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Whoever flagged this should be suspended for abusing the flagging system, tbh.


It will be great for people who really prefer vanilla. It will be great for people getting to legally experienced a more authentic recreation of a very old version of the game.
I will probably try it myself, but I am skeptical by how supposedly great the journey is, how that LFD-absent group creation will make that lucky blue drop more fulfilling than anything in retail. I know better than to think I would enjoy switching to Alliance for it to do ancient Retribution Paladin. Is slowly killing one or two mobs at a time and being extremely careful about aggro really going to make combat loop more satisfying? I do not raid, so what will I be leveling for? The journey may be rewarding for a time, but like a lot of things that less pleasant aspects can burn you out after some point.

Theres probably some of that, some part knowing what you had with Vanilla, and some part yearning for something different.

I enjoy the Beta for what it is, which is mostly what i remembered. Theres probably a lot of people who over-glorify it because they really want it to displace where they spend their wow time now.

Classic WoW is flawed, old, clunky, slow, limited story, and just… different. On the other hand, retail is newer, has expanded upon many archaic features of classic, has a story (which is turning out to be a copy of MOP), and a lot more features and QoL changes. You know what you have with both right now, or at least you will when classic opens.

For me, retail offers more polish, but im not sure i enjoy the polished product anymore to justify logging in. Some people just want an option to play wow at its roots without some of the good, and bad features retail has expanded upon.

Bottom line: I reaffirmed playing beta what classic is, yet still am logging in to it over retail. I guess retail is just missing a lot of what older versions of wow offered. For me and a few friends, if we can recapture some of that magic, great. Otherwise, retail doesnt have enough pull on us to keep us subscribed.

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/shrug Diff’rent strokes.

I’m playing for nostaglia, and for the world PVP scene before the phase w/ the ranking. After that I just plan on ninja looting and killing lowbies.

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