Is It Safe To Say It's Not Just Nostalgia?

I play FFXIV solo, still do. What is your point?

I group up when, and only when needed, same as WoW.

So really, WHAT is your point?

Sheesh already.

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Okay, so illegal and unsanctioned servers running different patches of Vanilla WoW with different active populations that are all free to play and where interested players actively swap around trying to find their perfect vision of Vanilla somehow equates to a large and vibrant population that will pay $14.99 to play Classic for months or years? Given that “registered accounts” and “active users” typically are vastly different numbers?

It’s cool that people are excited about Classic but constantly trying to validate their excitement through speculation and assumption while also using this speculation and assumption to state that Classic will kill BFA is getting old.

A large population of Twitch followers all watching their favorite streamers streaming the same thing at the same time does not mean that those viewers are paying WoW subscribers who will all immediately switch from BFA to Classic or, if they aren’t current subscribers, will then subscribe to WoW simply for Classic.

X number of people passing through a free private server or servers indicates that the same number of people are going to immediately start paying $14.99 to play Classic for months or years is another big assumption.

Assuming that anyone who isn’t happy with some aspect of BFA is anxiously awaiting the release of Classic to play the original WoW isn’t logical either.

Assuming that BFA’s servers will be ghost towns while Classic servers will have queues neglects the fact that Classic versus Retail are largely different audiences.

If Classic does great, that will be awesome because it means more money for Blizzard’s other titles, including Retail WoW. If Classic simply does okay, that’s fine too because it will please some people. If Classic totally bombs that will also be an acceptable outcome because at least then people will hopefully shut up about it, or at least take their threads to the proper forum!


I actually think that was more true in Vanilla than it is now with BFA. I never ran out of things to do when I played back then but I do now.

At least in BfA im able to pick how I want to play and I’m not forced into raiding.


Any new game is going to get more attention then something thats been out for almost a year.


You weren’t forced into Raiding in Vanilla either. Only a very tiny percentage of players Raided. Most others used 5 mans as their end game since each one could take multiple hours to clear.

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Thats because everything you do now is optional. Back then the things you did were mandatory. Giving you the illusion you had more to do.

of course it is…the idiots here won’t believe you.

LOL what? More to do is more to do.

I wasn’t a 40 man Raider in Vanilla if that’s what you’re implying. I ran 5 mans with my friends. My “Raiding” was primarily UBRS with the very rare ZG run.

for the love of all that is holy, there is a classic forums arghgh


Exactly and current WoW has more to do.
WQs, Emmisary, Dungeons, Timewalking, Raiding, Warmode, PvP, Questing, Pet Battles, Warfronts, Island Expeditions. And thats only current content you can go back each expansion and name more things to do.

So dont go sit here saying Classic has more to do when it clearly doesnt.


Report them for trolling. They know there’s a Classic forum, but they make these threads to annoy, insult, and goad other players into fights. It’s been part of their MO for years.


Why does this matter?

Is Classic a political party? A favorite football team?

What boogie man are you fighting against?

Both can exist and be successful in their own right. Does Retail have to fail for you to be happy?

Makes no sense to me. If retail fails, Classic won’t survive. They support one another. Cheer for both to survive and thrive, that’s the smart call!


What are you talking about? Nostalrius was a single server. It was active and popular for 10 years before it was shut down. It was so popular that Blizzard actually met with the administrators of that server.

…World of Warcraft was created on this very point. At the time the current lineup of MMOs required you to group up to level. The game blew up due to how casual it was compared to other games, which included the ability to hit level cap solo.


Seeing the amish build a barn by hand using no modern tools ~ amazing and inspiring.

Building a barn with no modern tools yourself ~Sucks and you’ll wish you had the modern conveniences every minute.

It has been said a billion times, it is hype, people are excited… and hype wears off.


Oh yea, mainly auto attacking or wanding, drinking after every pull, and standing around for hours trying to get a group together were loads of fun.


Was it?
Vanilla: grind through levels questing, do dungeons for gear, once you have dungeon gear do raids for better gear.
Current: grind through levels by either dungeons or quests at higher levels can even do it through islands, once leveled do dungeons or world quests or warfronts for gear, once you have that gear do raids or m+ (and emissaries unfortunately) for better gear.

Hmm, seems like a lot more choice in one of those.

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Oh look, another one of these threads.

This is an original, and not at all beaten to death horse.

This is possibly one of the most original threads ever created on the wow forums.

If you want an echo chamber stroking your nostalgia, go post in the classic forums.

Personally, these classic zealots are turning me off of ever trying classic again, if they are like this in the forums, I don’t want to know how insufferable they will be actually in the game.

Besides, I don’t understand why you want to go back to old content, in which we already know everything that has happened, and the story was god awful.


My daughter has streamers on her bike… they were big in the 50s and 60s but i dont see the interest… seem dangerous and easy to catch in things.

Kids -

(Need a new typing stick this darn box wont write what i telln it)

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