Is It Safe To Say It's Not Just Nostalgia?

no reason your post should have been flagged there are a bunch of salty retail players that are mad because a 15 year old version of the game they like is about to take over as the main wow game…lol.

bfa is about to be benched for classic wow.


This is 100% right.

Classic needs Retail to stay successful because without it there will be no Classic. And if Classic has sustained success that could only be a good thing for Blizz and WoW.

BFA grandmas are just upset Classic is thriving after all those years they spammed Classic enthusiasts with Wall of NO.


Can’t speak for everyone. But I have been having more fun with Classic than I have had in a long long time in retail. The last time I logged into WoW because it was fun was MoP. That is a little bit deceiving though because I was looking forward to MoP and a day or so after hitting cap I quit until the last patch because I didn’t like it.

As far as the last truly fun expansion for me, that was WotLK.

However, I am not sure if you can pin that on the game as a whole. Rather I think it is the end game that isn’t fun. After my first shot at Classic, I rolled a new toon and without the use of heirlooms I started leveling at. Also didn’t give it any help from my higher level toons. No money, no gear, no bags. Nothing. Just treating it as if that is my first WoW character. Even that is proving to be more fun than retail. But long story short, Classic isn’t just fun because I remember the good times. I am actually having more fun playing that then Retail.


A lot of people don’t mind having to dump a lot of time into leveling up weapon proficiency. Or other skills like fishing, cooking, professions for that matter. Again, for many people it’ s not about the race to max level to start competing. It’s about RP, about immersion, about FEELING you character getting noticeably stronger bit by bit, over time. Noticing the impact when you learn something simple like how to make a leather armor patch that actually makes leveling easier. (This is something I think Blizz actually did make a mistake with in retail). The professions and leveling your character should have remained tied together as part of leveling up and developing your overall power. While I think for the most part retail and classic both are equal but different, I will say that making professions just a task to tack on and power level after you hit cap, was silly. The whole process of leveling your profs as you level up as you gear up, learning recipes that actually help you in your leveling, like patches and bandages…that type of whollistic progression that demands a well rounded approach to leveling should not have been abandoned.

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I do agree that the changes on leveling and professions are 2 of the greatest mistakes Blizzard had made. Especially the leveling, instead of making new contents for leveling, they just made leveling faster so people don’t have to stay subbed longer, like, what??
These days, we run out of things to play faster than Blizzard can make them.

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No, those streamers are jumping on the whats hot bandwagon to get that streamer income flowing.

Well, I hope you do enjoy Classic. Maybe it’ll make up for the reason you stopped playing BFA:

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The sad and desperate people who call themselves Classic fans do not even care about Classic.

They just like picking a side and making drama. Half of them won’t even make it to level cap or play longer than a month. They just like crapping on live.

Every day there are tons of Classic nerds trolling in Retail GD even though they have their own forum.

I think after it launches and dies, the fun of picking fights will die down.

This right here is the problem. You literally don’t know when to stop. Someone says they will enjoy both retail and classic and that trying to drive a wedge is pointless between the two and you instantly jump in attacking people who will enjoy classic.

Yes, BFA is plagued by the many terrible updates that Blizzard has given the game, but it also has very good updates (even though most are from previous expansions) that made the game as popular as it is now.

Sure, Classic might be missing all of the terrible updates that’s hurting WoW, but it’s also missing some of the amazing updates that made the game even more popular than it was in classic.

i.e. primary stats the same on all gear for the class, transmog, be able to switch specs on the fly, transmog, talents that make sense, all classes/roles being viable (even if suboptimal), transmog, new graphics, transmog, transmog, transmog.

Making stupid threads bragging about the status of Classic in GD is the problem, yes. Classic has not even been released. And they have their own subforum.

This thread is just more antagonistic trolling in GD made by Classic freaks who like to stir up crap.

You won’t find me in the Classic Forums unless one of these Spam Threads in GD gets moved there by a Forum Mod.

It appears they get bored of their very own Classic Sub forum… just like they will get bored of Classic.

Laughable. But hey, enjoy your relic of the past. I’ll be enjoying the evolved and improved game.

No it’s not.

Just because it takes 10x longer to level doesn’t make it hardcore by any means and in fact I would suggest the complete opposite. A casual player can get a lot more out of levelling, sure it will take them a long time, but it’s still an extremely rewarding experience no matter how quickly or how fast you do it.

Everything up until AQ is very achievable by casual players also, it’s AQ40 and Naxx is where you need to put in a lot of time outside of raid preparing etc.

Just because things can take a decent amount of time in Vanilla doesn’t make it hardcore. There is no rush, any player, casual or hardcore, can move along at their own pace.

The anti-classic crowd started it by constantly posting that wall of no.

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To a certain type of player, sure. I was in college when wow came out and played MEGA hardcore.

But even today… i work from home, i dont have kids, my husband and i play together. Vanilla is still appealing to us, and this time around we’ll be in less of a hurry to hit 60. I’m excited to enjoy the leveling journey again like I did the very first time around - its an experience i havent had in a long time in an MMO.

Yea, stuff is more time consuming but its much more rewarding once achieved. So much of what I’ve done in wow in the past few years feels decidedly hollow.


This in particular is huge. Even just the lack of mob scaling will be a breath of fresh air. I’ve been playing on the lights hope PRs to get my fix, and even getting my voidwalker at level 10 as a warlock felt like an enormously satisfying accomplishment that made all the difficulties i had previously worth it.

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i mean, the world post vanilla was designed with flying in mind - every single zone, quests, cities. So when it was arbitrarily removed… that didnt feel great. At all.

The world of vanilla wasnt. Its impossible to compare the two.

Combined with the castration of secondary stats to make my gear choices much less meaningful and interesting. When everything’s interchangeable, nothing has any weight.

And I’m just gonna say this now, hit and expertise were far better stats than god damn versatility.

Altering the talent trees to be, functionally, just “capstone” abilities has some advantages. It also makes leveling less rewarding because you’re going long periods without gaining anything. Others have suggested the two systems don’t need to be mutually exclusive, and I’m inclined to agree.

Sucked a great deal of significance from specializations, and let blizzard get away with shoving each spec into extremely narrow and rigidly defined boxes with little freedom to create your own character, because if you don’t like this box you can just pick a different box.

Many of the things you described (aside from pretty princess dressup) aren’t exclusively wins, they came with a cost.

lol, i think i might be one of the only people who, while i enjoy transmogging, also feel it removes some of the reward of collecting a full set of class armor and reaching a high enough level of play that you have access to equipment that doesnt make you look like a hobo.

Knowing robe x, y, z was not only amazing stats, but also looked seriously cool was always a MASSIVE carrot on a stick for me. So when transmog came along and that became irrelevant, it was kind of a bummer.

i remember the first time i saw someone in full tier gear while i was in greens and dungeon blues, i was in awe. i havent felt that way in a long time.

Yeah, it is nostalgia and curiosity.

Most of the player base did not play vanilla wow.

Many who did play vanilla have been lording it over the heads of those that did not for years, of course they are curious.