Is It Safe To Say It's Not Just Nostalgia?

I wont play classic. Not interested.
If you are, fine.
Stop worrying about what other players think and play YOUR game. Thats what is there for.
Who…cares…if some are bashing classic?
What do they matter to you at the end of the day?


Sure, I get that. But I appreciate the ability to forever wear the skin of the elite pvp axe I worked so hard to attain back in the day, so it’s a price I’m personally willing to pay. Doesn’t help that armor skins are so incredibly hit or miss.

i still cant wear my valanyr which i worked my behind off for probably harder than any other single piece of gear, so it all feels kind of hollow tbh.

I’m looking forward to classic but it’s just Nostalgia and rose tinted glasses. The ones who are pissed off about the grind and gearing in BFA will turn out to be people laughing at themselves if they think classic is superior.

Really hyped for classic. It will separate the men from the boys, the women from the girls. No flying, no playing both factions on the same PVP server, no easy street for end game loot. It will be glorious. And the best reason of all to play…NO BLOOD ELVES ! And oh yeah, those Tarren Mill Southshore wars…

Yup, that feeling of going to your trainer when you unlock a keystone ability…and then going out and getting to feel so much stronger and see the impact each spell addition and upgrade is making.

You really lose sight on how your character is powering up when you can just nuke everything before it has any chance to really threaten you. For me I’ve never understood the demand for things like making leveling easier, or like making it so that you don’t have to micro your pet.

I totally get and understand the stance that people play video games for fun, for down time, and that a lot of people don’t want it to feel like work, or have to dump research or real effort into it. I get that. But when everything besides end game dungeons/raiding is so brainless that you can just cash out while doing it…wouldn’t you rather just be watching a show or something at that point? Isn’t the reason we play games to be engaged in the activity? I’m not saying games should be constantly stressful (which I know a lot of people say is how classic was for them), but I also think that the majority of people don’t want to mentally cash out during their hobby time.

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“Launches and dies”


This is nostralius, a private server, before the shutdown in 2016. Classic private servers have been more alive than retail for the last 10 years. You can’t even see the ground because there are so many people.

I can see it pretty clearly.

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It might look like a ground, but it’s actually a pile of other people covering the real ground.

Trying to generalize an accurate statement from what is posted on the internet is futile i think.

Of course some of it is more than nostalgia, if you never played the original and want to play classic that cannot be nostalgia. Only those who experienced it can get nostalgic…that’s how nostalgia works.

Of the people i can get anecdotal evidence from, most of us who i play with still that played vanilla do not want to play classic. Most of us dont go back and play almost any old games we loved actually. A lot of the people who didnt see vanilla are interested in trying it. I’m in two guilds, a mythic raiding and a casual heroic/normal type one. The casual guild has expressed far more interest in it than the mythic crowd.

Venruki and the rest of his guild method (pro players) seem to be having a lot of fun on it.

Even BFA wasn’t hot garbage until level cap… you need to get over that 1 to 2 month in honeymoon period.

Since when is “popular on twitch” a metric of anything other than which streamer says the grossest thing in order to make money?

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LOL I unsubbed along time ago fool. You can still post without a sub.

Not only is requiring more time, more commitment, and the need to get into raids to progress anti-casual, it is EXTREMELY anti-casual.

Dude that was almost TWO YEARS AGO that the last time you saw that. Maybe it is time to get over it?

Is this true? It wasn’t true before.

In any case, even if you’re right, you’re still here lurking on the WoW forums.

It’s new. And it’s hyped. Of course people are looking at it!

Look, I am sure classic will have success. None of us know how long it will be popular. Or how we even measure what is “popular enough” for an updated old game.

It’s honestly stupid to fight about it, but the sad state of retail right now leaves people bored and cranky.

Personally I will play both, see what feels fun, go from there.

You’re forgetting a couple of things, namely that in vanilla the release of a new raid didnt render every raid before it irrelevant. my guild cleared naxxaramas and we didnt even drop mc and bwl until VERY late in the game.

guilds existed that were clearing content at pretty much all levels of the game, and early bosses in naxx were accessible to casual raiding guilds - it was as you got deeper into the raid that the difficulty ramped up.

There were also the .5 tier class sets obtained through a long quest chain and 5 man dungeon runs for players who didnt raid, released during the aq patch.

The concept that vanilla was only for hardcore raiders is simply untrue.

I was fortunate to get a beta invite and I haven’t been played BFA since. There’s some nostalgia (I’ve been playing since launch), but I just like it better.

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How does any of that counter that vanilla was for hardcores? Even the most casual of content was hardcore by today’s standards. Sure not by EQ, AC, or UO standards, but requiring lots of time and commitment is really the epitome of hardcore content.