I totally get it. People get mad at my bluntness all the time. It’s sometimes difficult to not be blunt, because if I’m not, people misunderstand. Of course, even when I am, people still twist things. I can’t win either way. LOL
Hahaha yeah I’ve seen that & I get where you’re coming from.
makes them lash out that classic/tbcc are free with the RETAIL sub. what they don’t realize that is without content drought retail tourists able to play “free” (since they were subbed for retail anyway) it kept the classic versions from being DOA. the boomie i do keys with got ce and is playing tbcc instead of unsubbing. when 9.1 brings new content he’ll come back to retail.
I think that started as a sort of schadenfreude after months of “wall of no” spam, which to some degree I think was deserved (“wall of no” was obnoxious at best) but it clearly spun out of control and should’ve stopped like a week after Classic’s announcement.
Or we could learn to accept, tolerate and celebrate our differences instead of trying to turn society into the embodiment of Borderline Personalty Disorder where everyone needs to read Walking on Eggshells to make it through the day without some sort of repercussion from the minefield of arbitrarily triggered people.
should not just throw out insulting troll comments about mental health issues. i do not have bpd but some of the people i love most, do. not cool.
It’s a tool that most websites with social features uses and it works very well. Some people aren’t worth the time or effort, some people try to bait you into arguments that can end up getting you disciplinary action if you’re not careful.
It’s also very easy to not engage with people in any real world setting, including a workplace setting. Any employee should be able to bring up interpersonal issues in a workplace environment, corporate or otherwise. If bringing up issues in the workplace with the employer runs them the risk of getting fired, then that employer doesn’t have a clue and is bad at their job.
“tell me you’re a male, without saying you’re a male.”
…because i can pretty much guarantee you that you won’t find a female who has been in a work setting and never been cut-off and talked over and just ignored in general.
They’re like if a vegan and a hipster had a deformed child.
I doubt the legitimacy of this entire post.
Wasn’t a troll comment.
I’ve dealt with BPD as well. And between the constant gaslighting you have to play along with and trepidation and tongue biting you have to do I think it’s a very accurate analogy.
Sorry, but this isn’t the same thing. Purposely coming to this forum on a Classic character to troll retail players isn’t the same as what you’re talking about. At all.
How the f do you hide retail players?
By clicking the X on either the top right or top left of your screen, depending on your setup.
Uh Im on my phone
if you’d read the book you referenced you’d know how inappropriate it was to use it in the context you did. do you know what “splitting” is or how to manage when a close loved one is suffering? or how the stigma that you’re perpetuating makes it extremely difficult for them to get treatment from professionals? or what DBT is? or why most of the time they do self work through home with workbooks and are dropped by therapists and other professionals and aren’t able to get help even when they want it, and are willing to do the work?
no, sir. you don’t get to yolo out garbage like that and not be called on it.
Is it not possible they might actually think classic is better?
And why do you care so much what they think?
So they like classic, who cares.
Bizarre authoritarian and tribal reactions.
the same way as mentioned in post #14
I think it’s sensible and appropriate to call out bad behavior when you see it, and that goes both ways. Retail players can be just as fickle as Classic players. I don’t go on the Classic forums trashing Classic but I bet some people do.
It’s one thing to write a love letter to Classic, but I don’t think Classic players should be pooing on retail players, and vice versa. It’s not necesarry. It’s a bad look. Etc. etc.
Ya, where you suddenly go from friend to the most hated person in an instant. And then they try to effectively cancel you?