Is it possible to get a refund on a race change?

I recently race changed to Earthen only to find out they can’t eat food at all. This seems like a major oversight on Blizzards part and I honestly don’t understand why they’re the only race in the game that can’t eat food. Also whats the point of having Earthen cooking trainers if they can’t eat food at all?

My main issue is I do not want to be behind everyone in my raid because they get main stat from feasts and I cannot even eat them as an Earthen. Main stat will always be better than a secondary stat from the Earthen’s racial. I have also stockpiled a lot of fishing perception food to use for the entire expansion. This food is soulbound, so its just stuck on my character as I cannot eat food.

But they can… Their food is just gems.

  • Ingest Minerals: You are always Well Fed but cannot consume food. Activate to consume a Khaz Algar gem and change the benefit granted to you by Well Fed:
    • Amber (Stamina)
    • Emerald (Haste)
    • Onyx (Mastery)
    • Ruby (Critical Strike)
    • Sapphire (Versatility)

Also they can (this was patched in) use potions, and were always able to use mana food. Granted, the latter doesn’t grant buffs.

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Their gems only give secondary stats, not main stats. You’re already at a disadvantage compared to the rest of your raid if you’re going in with secondary stats and everyone else gets main stats from a feast.

This can easily be fixed by just letting them eat food like every single race in the game.

You’re welcome to request a refund via ticket, but ultimately you’ve used the service you paid for.

Make the suggestion then, via the in-game feedback or posting in general forum.

There are no devs, GM’s, QA or Community managers here.


I appreciate your response. You’re effectively telling me theres nothing blizzard can do though and thats demoralizing.
Either way, thanks for your response.

This time they did listen to feedback. They hotfixed Earthen the other day.

Look for an NPC named Belga, she sells gems you can eat that act just like food.


If they didnt read feadback flying wouldve ended with MOP they had every intention of nixing flying till the communit outcried convinced them otherwise.

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How on earth did you reach that conclusion?

Oh. No sorry, you’re quite wrong.

Did you know a lot of the features of the modern game all came from player feedback and suggestions?

Ok? And the expansion is officially what, 2 weeks old?

Class / race balancing and adjustments have already started.


People complaining about something doesn’t necessarily mean it’s bad. Maybe it is bad. A couple weeks into an expansion is pretty early though – even including the beta, there’s not going to be a lot of data on performance, and uptake, and so on.

No matter what aspect of the game you’re considering, people will have complained about some facet since implementation.