Is it me or has Alliance's story gone downhill?

Story, lore, no (just look at their war campaign).

Gameplay, number of people in the faction, probably.

As someone once said: lore devs loves the alliance and hates the horde, gameplay devs loves the horde and hates the alliance

I donā€™t feel too strongly about it to protest it in all honesty, but the amount of depressing threads will keep me away from the forums at this rate .

You havenā€™t given him a chance to do ā€˜badassā€™ stuff. Itā€™s only the first expansion after Varian died.

Canā€™t forget about Choā€™gall and Deathwing.

The alliance story has been the strongestā€¦

The horde was about a washed up troll kingā€¦the allianceā€¦Jainna


Did they or did they not add in the option for Horde players to abstain from helping Saurfang based on player feedback? Answer.

Keep making snide remarks, it doesnā€™t help you from not being wrong.

Wrong about what? I never claimed that develpoers donā€™t make changes from player feedback. (They have something called: Alpha & Beta that is for the express purpose of gaining feedback directly from players.) But I have no idea if they changed the quest from player feed back in part or in whole unless they have said so. If they did. Good for them for trying to make their game more intriguing and my admission of that in no way vindicates you or your arguments.

You are also moving your own goal post of

So you blame the players for something they donā€™t write and you canā€™t even quantify your expression of ā€œa large number of Allianceā€ when you have no idea why they are driving the story and your making yourself look completely asinine to assume any vocal plurality of players Horde or Alliance have caused direct changes to be made unless blizzard developers expressly say so.

You are insulting players based on no hard information. Just and anecdotal opinion you have pulled out of your butt by observing a vocal plurality of post on the forum. Your not even critically thinking and now you have moved your goal post in order to try and get aā€¦win? an admission of something to vindicate yourself? I have no idea. Do tell. Or actualy go back to your original premise and try to defend it again.

BFA has been terrible story writing for both sides. Also, if you didnā€™t know Blizzard had terrible story writing until nowā€¦I feel really bad for you.

Your threads always feel like spam.


Youā€™ve told GD about 20 million times how much you donā€™t like the alliance story.

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Playing a Night elf in Legion was so damn good, they should have made it so that Orcs, Blood elves, Night Elves(They did have actually) and Draenei(Which they kinda did) had the lead role.

Moving the goalpost my butt.

So apparently when Blizzard changes the Horde story based on feedback, Iā€™m moving the goal post. But when they change the Alliance story on feedback, itā€™s being pulled out of my butt, Iā€™m blaming the players, blah blah blah.

Itā€™s the same situation. The quests show up on PTR, thereā€™s huge backlash from the players and then the quest texts change on the next version of the PTR.

Call it anecdotal, claim itā€™s make believeā€¦ do whatever you want but just watch. Iā€™m telling you right now that this happens every single time. Blizz will try to give you guys a story with some questionable acts and your player base will go crazy and they change it. Iā€™m not going to try and convince you, Iā€™m just telling you to watch for it because it happens every time.

Honestly both factionsā€™ storylines right now are complete and utter trainwrecks.

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The Alliance story jumped off a cliff in Cataclysm and has never really recovered from basically being ā€œHorde Story NPCā€™sā€ status. Not sure why so many are just now seeing the effects.

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Anduin Bad :disappointed_relieved:

I personally like Anduin more than Varian but I figure Iā€™m probably in the minority.


You tell us every other day about it.

It has long been well established that the Champion of Azeroth is a very, very, very low IQ person who will just be willing to betray their faction leader or kill a handful of puppies for a bag of 20 gold pieces.

The Allianceā€™s very birth was to defend and protect against Hordeā€™s attack. This has been the very reason of our existance since then.

Of course weā€™ve done other things too, such as battle third parties and share the ā€œsave the worldā€ glories between us and the Horde, but weā€™re still the shield that reacts against the Horde Spear. If said spear doesnā€™t attack, weā€™re just living our lives.

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Eh, Iā€™m enjoying it. Anduin has had little actual impact on the story aside from the initial opening with the Battle for Undercity. The rest has been the focus on Jaina and the rising of the Drust in Kul Tiras. Nice to see her redemption arc and dealing with the multiple past ghosts of her life.

Also, play both sides. It makes a lot more sense overall.

Night Elf Op who is quoting about Alliance Identity of Humans and stuff?


Complains about Anduin Thread?


Saying the Alliance Lore is boring but clearly has a mindset of not paying attention to the current story?


Just another Alliance Boring Hate Story Thread here folks. Nothing Original.