Yes, of course they are.
I’m really not sure what the Alliance story is actually supposed to be since it’s almost always driven by whatever the Horde is up to and when the Horde isn’t up to anything, there usually hasn’t been an Alliance at all.
Even I don’t know what we’re up to anymore. If you’re driven by us and we’re driven by blizzard I think it’s fair to say we’re both SOL
You are right!
What I see most are members of the horde crying because they do not like to see their red faction portrayed as a den of villainy, made up of minions of the Lich Queen and saying that Horde’s values are Strength and Horda!
And on the other side, the edgy nucleus, who wants to kill everyone, that loved burn it Darnasus and spread blight on his own troops, calling Baine a traitor for not subjecting himself to the Lich Queen orders and killing some of his fanatics by releasing a victim the wickedness of the Sylvanas horde!
Nor does Horde want to be that horde
because that has no connection with the values that players see in Horde!
Only an edgy minority who likes to be caotic evil!
The horde has always been portrayed with the noble savage and not the savage bloodthirsty!
The Alliance has never been cruel just because it’s easy or practical!
You can win a war by destroying the enemy’s supply lines, destroying bridges, energy sources and means of transport!
none of this implies massacring civilians as vulperas, more than necessary!
If you like to kill civilians and impale them on walls, in front of your children, the Horde is waiting for you!
Ahh! Not! Horde did not like it either!
And indeed, it should have been a quilboars tribe!
but Blizzard thought the Horde would see no harm in being more bloodthirsty!
But many players of the horde have cried that this is not the horde that boasts the values of ‘Lokthar ogar’!
I guarantee, if it was a goblin or blood elves, no one would be complaining in attacking caravans of supplies, in ally side!
If Horde had attacked a military base in Brenadan, no one in the horde would be feeling a villain but a vanguard warrior conquering a region of kultiras!
Lunnaya when u gonna level past level 21?
I’m 46, no clue why it hasn’t updated