Is it me or has Alliance's story gone downhill?

I call you a troll for blaming players for a story they don’t write. There are just as man people angry that the Alliance is not dark enough, doesn’t respond aggressively to actualy threats properly, doesn’t use it the power it is stated to have, and there is little to no descent in the leadership.

So go ahead and pick what ever re-affirms and satisfies your own anecdotal preconceived notions.


It’s the devs fault for crappy Alliance writing

I will because time and time again the story changes as soon as you guys start crying about how you’re no longer portrayed as angels.


What story?

The Alliance story is consistently the same. Get attacked, watch Hordes story unfold. The Alliance is a plot device to push out a half baked faction plot for Horde.


Glad we agree you are a troll.

Everyone does and thinks what the plot needs them to.

The whole thingy is kinda messy.

They should have just made the goal to destroy the Zandalari fleet before The Horde got use of it. Which The Alliance did.

Rather than the completely nonsensical “Lets break their relationship by destroying their home.”


Says the troll. It’s easy to call someone a name just because they don’t agree with you.

Your right I don’t believe in blaming players for developer decisions. So I don’t blame Horde players for having cheesy underdog always get away scot-free storylines.

Bad writing is good for no one.


Yea, I bet you also won’t admit that Blizz gave Horde players a choice on whether or not they can help Saurfang based off player feedback either…

Disagree all you want, history repeats. Just wait and see, next time the writers try to give you guys a backbone they’ll reverse course when you rabid Alliance players get angry about it.


I would love to trade stories with the Alliance.

Anduin dies this expansion.
His replacement dies.
That replacement retires.
At least 2 random lore leaders also die.
You don’t get stable leadership for a decade.
You become cheezy cartoon villains, and have a repetitive story with no depth.
You have 2 major lore leaders that care more about the Horde than the Alliance.

You have multiple cities become a raid for the Horde. With the Horde being successful.

You get to see multiple leaders become raid fights.


Ok I’ll make that trade. Now that I have posted; blizzard will obviously agree to placate me and prove Snikrot corret by making it a reality.

Well. Murdering a Troll leader should result in a hundred year blood feud. Which shouldn’t end until the Wrynn and Proudmoore family lines are wiped out. This should not be about the Horde. This is about blood and family.

So you’re saying Kael’thas and Gul’dan are part of the horde?

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From my view point the entire point of the Horde is to prop up the Alliance and make them eternally feel like the good guys.

We are cartoon villains doing cartoon villain things that the Alliance sweeps in and fixes.


WoW never really gave players amazing, knock-your-socks-off type of writing and theres a huge group that if there isnt a certain thing happening in the story then the story itself is garbage.

It’s a game that has silly graphics, predictable characters, and it over-exaggerates the ‘‘corny’’ aspect in it’s good v. bad (alliance v. bad) formula.

For me the Alliance side hasn’t gone downhill, frankly it’s gone no where, it just doesn’t have anything OVERLY interesting happening to really make it memorable for me.

Horde have no better.

The game being as it, I just try to enjoy bits of the story from both factions and don’t try to be overly critical of the other bits. I feel it lets me enjoy the game more that way.

Yes and no.

“Yes,” in that it is. “No,” in that the topic doesn’t need the word “Alliance’s” in it to still be 100% accurate.

Because anytime we do anything morally gray, we are the bad guys.

Anytime the Horde does something morally gray, it’s “war” and the Alliance are mean for pointing it out. So we can’t do anything. Because Jaina’s already a bad guy to some, and Sylvanas is a hero to those same people.


What part of this game hasnt gone downhill in the last 18 months?

honestly its retarded… i dont want to compete in which faction has the worst turd-sandwich, id rather both of us boycott the forums for a better writing.