I mean ever since, before Anduin was king, we did some awesome stuff with Varian. We had some interesting lore. And we butchered the Horde if they tried to hurt us. We could have a different opinion.
But ever since Anduin became king. We don’t do a lot of stuff anymore. The Horde can just commit genocide on us while Anduin wants peace with them and wants to be a traitor and let Saurfang go. And when the opportunity comes when the Alliance can do something awesome events, Anduin just is like “No, it won’t be peaceful for the Horde” I mean we have some good parts here and there but that’s it.
And we’re basically forced to follow Anduin like a mindless mind controlled robot without having any opinions except for his own.
Well Anduin has been a peace monger for as long as I remember, so it is only natural.
What baffles me is their logic they used to come to the conclusion that by attacking the trolls they would shy away from cementing their alliance w/ the horde.
It was an intimidation tactic. Sort of “look what we can do; break it off with the Horde or else”. As for why they thought it would actually work, I’ve got nothing.
What are you even talking about? We just sacked a city, killed there king, deleted there fleet, forced out the Forsaken and hes being too peaceful?
What because he talked about eventually having peace thats not good? Hes not just some mindless war hawk that wants to fight forever, that means hes wimpy? I know this is the GD forums but damn man…
What is Illidan Burning Crusade? What is Arthas Wrath of the Lich King? What is Anduin BfA being the perfect god and stealing the Horde for the Alliance? What is all of Legion’s story completely leaving out the Horde?
That would imply that the story was good or better then now to be going downhill…
I have seen my 15 year nephew write better story lines for his AD&D group…then BFA…
Illidan is one of the most important Night Elves, which belong to the Alliance.
Arthas was the literal king of the Alliance at some point.
Of course Thrall is part of the Horde, but using your logic we can say it’s not just like you said Illidan and Arthas aren’t Alliance.
The problem starts with Alliance heros and factions being near god levels of power. Then they make the horde a numerically inferior less supplied faction and aggravated aggressor.
The result is Alliance has to be written stupidly for it to work. The horde gets god levels of plot armor to drag out the faction war to the end of the expanshon only to Segway into a 3rd party distraction so we can all hold hands again.
Who are the self aggrandizing fans that are writing the lore for blizzard? Name some names if your gona blame customers for the current state of a game they are not writing, developing, or producing.
Didn’t know they single handedly change the quest. Having a critique for the story and saying something is out of line with its themes (without precedent or explanation) is not players begging you be playacted.
Using that as your example is proving you as quite the troll.
That was one of dozens of topics complaining about the same thing. I only referenced that one since it’s easy for me to find. You can call me troll, but anytime there’s anything that tips you guys past the Lawful Good - Chaotic Good scale into the neutral zone you guys go up in arms about how the Alliance don’t act like that.
There’s nothing evil with killing and burning your enemies trade partners during a time of war.
There’s nothing evil with killing Sylvanas’ shipwrecked sailors. You didn’t need some excuse that they looked like they’re in pain from fish goblin poison.
There’s nothing evil with attacking Taurajo after we went on an aggressive offensive all across the world. You didn’t need those soldiers to be “rogue convicts” that went against orders to loot and pillage.
There’s always an excuse to any action that might be considered “evil” and I very well blame that on how your faction reacts when they can’t handle the cognitive dissonance.