Yeah, I’m not a fan of mega servers. So long as a server has a healthy pop (Vanilla server high) that’s all I need.
when it gets closer to tbc launch, then i will start a character.
It’s just you.
The difference is MC remains relevant well into later phases due to legendaries, quick strike ring, warrior belt, etc, so there will be runs happening. Granted the population will be smaller this time so who knows how many raids there will be, but some definitely will be happening
who would of thought
Why would it have the same level of hype as the 2019 release?
Not what I said at all. Pservers are dead because all the normal people left, leaving only unhinged edgy weirdos. No one wants a world chat that’s basically a greentext feed.
Blizzard had thousands of bots flyhacking in the sky in EPL for months on Classic Era. Probably still does. Anniversary will see them soon. A absolute clown show for even the shadiest WK fresh rugpull. It’s not that I’m promoting pservers, it’s that Blizzard’s quality control is awful.
Likely more players than all of cata on just the NA PVP server.
Vanilla wow is bis.
126k vs 20k raiders. Make it make sense
LOL @ Using logs on one third party site that is perpetually wrong that uses a different 3rd party site that uses data from a 3rd party addon that can and is often manually modified and spoofed / disqualified for a variety of reasons.
See above. Make it make sense (you didnt of course)
Question tho… Who’s raiding on Fresh? Its absolutely packed but less than 1% are level 60.
Server tech has been updated and layer capacity is difficult. It’s not hard to understand. These are mega servers. I know you’re probably trolling but just in case.
Well here we are, 3 weeks later and it looks like you’re correct, Ihaveajob. There’s only ONE server and its already feeling a little dead. That and the completely muted response to MC launching, the game really feels dead. We really missed a chance to bring in more players by opening the game up to normal people, but this turned into just another sweat dominated snooze fest for hardcore classic vets. Can’t say we didn’t warn them!
You gotta keep in mind that a lot of people who were the private server community, and those that pined to be able to play it again on official servers already did it in 2019 and fulfilled their nerd fantasies.
This isn’t the main thing going on, it is an optional way to play the game. As long as there are enough to have a healthy raiding and PVP scene a year from now that will be all we need.
Funny the servers all feel fine. That said fresh is a mode for those who want to rush content, not casuals, as casuals even if they slowed things down would still be behind. So the pace is good and if anything slow, if you’re not keeping up, simply find other people that are more casual like yourself, and quit comparing where you are to others.
Master Fisherman at work. Pretty good catch today.
Just unsub. It doesn’t take long for classic annoyances to make you question your decision after the initial fresh feeling wears off. you remember you’ve been here and done that over 20 times since it came out the first time.
dreamscythe is still so busy, people were inviting for look to the stars in ogre cave . what server you on?
Last night from all the others doing 15 to 20 things by darkshore I leveled less. For a good reason. All those animals they left behind became skinning time lol.
I gave up on the one night elf ghost kill quest. Her respawn rate is horrendous on a quiet day. throw in 5+ dudes looking to kill her? hahahaha, I knew that wasn’t happening.
I would have partied up but not with so many animals to skin lol. I’d be that dot way off the area. I don’t leech, and I did my kill the highborne quest already.