Good thing as a melee wizard you can do dmg fron afar
Yeah and it hits harder then spell casters too being instant like ???
That’s crazy I get hit with instant cast spells all the time for just as much if not more damage. Y’all barely have to cast anything anymore in this game give me a break. Y’all act like obliterate or mortal strike doesn’t hit hard. Stop hating just to hate.
Exactly rets want everything
Smacking a boss I can see that, but I was thinking it’s the opposite in PvP as it gives you another ranged dps button to press when getting kited and the charges come back up when you’re sitting cc/kited/los so you often 1 plus the other recharging. Just feels really strong ignoring the dispel potential.
Nah rets just want to be in at least A tier for once, but every time they are anywhere near top tier for PvP the entire community loses their minds. Did rets need nerfs? Yes they did, but the community would like to see them gutted just because they don’t like fighting them. Many things have had their turn at being OP this xpac and nobody gets the outrage rets get anytime they are decent. They got a small buff earlier in the xpac and everybody lost their minds so they got nerfed to the ground. Ret is either complete dog water or “too good” there is no in between. It’s a never ending roller coaster ride.
This line keeps being spouted by people, but its just not true.
Ret/war was part of the s tier holy trinity of rmp/jungle/retwar for ALL of shadowlands (also shoutout to dh/boomy big dam) with those 3 comps taking the vast majority of all r1 spots, and idk how many gladiators.
Also, this whole ret mobility thing is also bogus. Yeah, freedom is purgeable, but half your buttons have more than enough range that you can very very reliably connect for your damage. Previously mobility was a practical issue because of survivability concerns, since you didnt have the tools to go in and out. That no longer is the case.
I have yet to see a ret not be able to connect on their damage or be able to constantly outtrade, even post nerfs.
Yeah and SL was mostly because of warrior. Ret mobility IS bad and was acknowledged by blizzard. It’s arguably the worst mobility class in the game and before this week we didn’t have that range? Also you only have that range on BoJ, FV, and judgement it’s not like every single ability has a 20 yard range. It’s pretty easy to slow/root a ret in place and stay outside of 20 yards, they can’t just consistently attack you at 20 yards because judgement and boj have CDs it’s not like they are auto attacking or Templar striking you from across the map all game. JV which was the talent of choice had an even shorter range. Range also does not make up for mobility like everyone seems to think it does.
There were r1 ret/ww, ret/demo, ret/hunter teams as well, and also a very high ret/dk and ret/dh.
Yes, and it was a problem before this week because of survivability.
Dh, for example, had really comparable squishiness to ret, but they had insane mobility to make up for it.
Now ret is not at all squishy; in fact, its probably the most survivable melee in the game.
All of its SUSTAINED AND BURST damage, as well as utility, were balanced around the fact that it could die.
Now that it cant realistically die except to another ret paladin, its other aspects are now overtuned relative to the kit. This is not a hard concept to understand and something that every single person who is not a biased ret main identifies and understands.
Every single player at every level of the game, high to low sees this and is pointing it out.
If you really think it’s a true “weakness”, play another class and see how it feels.
The sustain damage is needed. The burst not so much now that they have the survivability. Keep in mind though they have no MS so damage is needed to secure kills.
Unfortunately they didn’t listen on PTR when ret had good sustain via expurgation and boj and less burst and at the last minute did a bait and switch back to bursty damage with modifiers.
You can’t just take all their damage away because they live more. UHDK is notorious for being a live lord and has good sustain damage but not a lot of burst but they also have MS capabilities via necrotic.
This is some high quality copypasta bait I’m gonna use this ty.
If rets didn’t make their teammates immortal I don’t think people would care as much if they were OP
1 minute sac, bop/magic bop, blessing of sanc, lay on hands, judgement dispel makes it so the enemy team can only train the ret which now has double 1 minute walls and twice the healing it used to have
When dh and rogue were completely broken people didn’t care as much because those classes didn’t make their teammates unkillable
Yeah, but in his defense neither do most ret players.
How is that zandalari troll ret still not duelist at this point? Are we spending too much time on the forum instead of target dummy or what?
We are in stage two of what I said would happen a couple days ago. Stage 1 is ret getting hotfixed, but still being overpowered. Stage 2 is delusional rets going into full depressive meltdown when they see people still calling for their spec to be nerfed after they already were. Stage 3 is ret getting nerfed during the weekly patch 1-2 more times and settling into the low S or A tier, and a bunch of rets quitting the spec convinced of its unplayability. Stage 4 is everyone finally moving on from this nightmare.
Why is this even a thread when you know the answer already?
There is information I brought up about Mes and his paladin gameplay. Read it, and you’ll see that top-tier Ret Paladins are doing overall average DPS.
The minority want them nerfed even further and will say, once again, “Ret Paladin’s tears… blah blah blah…” The majority are happy with the nerfs, and the few want them gone.
If you want Pallies nerfed further, DHs, Rogues, Hunters, Warriors, and Warlocks should be beside them on the chopping block.
Like, this one doesn’t even PvP. How odd. I wonder if he’s lost.
I used to PVP and got pissed off. Blizz was in the process of erasing my old account and stopped it. I noticed most of my mounts were gone. All the transmogs were gone. After seeing the damage, even after blocking the removal of the account, all the stuff I worked on was almost gone. I thought to myself, “Screw it! If all this stuff is gone. I’m done with this game!” And decided to complete the 30 days.
Dragonflight was released, and I decided to purchase the game and play it again. I know my weakness, so I’m staying away from it. I’m staying away from PVP because it gets me agitated too fast.
How’d this happen? Sounds quite unfortunate.
I did it out of anger because of PVP. I’m too competitive and tend to slam my fist on the keyboard. After 3 keyboards, I knew PVP wasn’t for me. lol