Is it just me, or did these nerfs do very little?

Yeah, that’s a significant damage advantage.

I wonder if Blizzard will do more nerfs on Tuesday, or if they’ll wait a week or two to gather more data. If it becomes clear that Rets are still OP, that’s going to turn off the PvP playerbase the longer Rets remain imbalanced.

yeah no more proof needed, the hearsay evidence is irrefutable. 12.5 surmise 15 to 20 prenerf, all the pudding of proof we need right there.

90% nerf across the board! We no longer need to see anymore evidence ya honor, this is an open and shut case

I mean it’s almost like you all want ret to have no good pvp talents. It’s bad enough that all the other ones get nerfed into oblivion like lawbringer which is pointless to take now and luminescence just got hit with a nerf too. :man_shrugging:. Idk man I think judge dispel kinda fits the class fantasy and utility of ret. At least let them have that.

Proof or this didn’t happen. FV Does not hit for 240k…. Ever

Especially in arena and especially if you are wearing any gear whatsoever.

It’s not about being good or bad;

The mechanic isn’t ever one that feels good to play with and against it. It’s an outdated talent and it should have gone away when they reworked your spec


It also doesn’t feel good that our freedom is dispellable so our mobility got worse than it already was when that was one of rets main complaints. Idk. I wouldn’t mind not having judge dispell if our other PvP talents weren’t trash besides spread the word and now spell ward.

Gaining spell warding is such an insane utility buff it’s crazy to see it get treated like that alone isn’t a significant buff to rets weaknesses


thats high ratings, they can one shot a ham sammich up there.

Yeah it really was one of the things I was most excited about because previously ret had no defense against magic damage. Spread the word is medium okay and spell ward is great just feels like every other talent is doo doo other than taking judge dispel against certain comps. Wish we had more viable options is all.


Ret could have just gotten 1 minute wings and it wouldve been an insane buff.

Ret couldve gotten just wall and 1 minute sov and it wouldbe been an insane survivability buff.

It got both along with a 15-20% sustained dps increase, which is very very impactful because now it can afford to stay in all the time because of the pressure it generates.

So now that utility it has that people didnt like, but were okay with at the end of the day becomes broken.

Damage, tankiness, and utility. You cannot have all 3 at levels higher than other classes.


I can agree that the utility is actually wild right now but the damage and tankiness is necessary due to the fact that they have to crawl around the arena like a drunk toddler on a wooden rocking horse.

1min sac is wild, bop/spell ward plus sanc is wild. If anything the utility should go before dmg and tank

Yeah we need about another 30% overall dmg nerf

You think so? fdk is much slower and less tanky, less dmg, less healing, less cc

I mean, frost dk has just been forgotten. If anything frost DK needs buffs to be brought up, ret doesn’t need to be brought down to frost dk levels lol. Nobody was saying frost is ok right now.

Also DK has better mobility than ret paladin since you basically can never be slowed and have a cc immunity lol wut. Paladin has the worst mobility in the game. Dk also has more cc and I wouldn’t say their damage is terrible.

you dont trade defensives AFTER they use their hardest hitting abilities lmfao. This is such a newb take.

Frost dk can be slowed just not under 70% and you have horse and 2 freedom and what CC immunity? lichborne? bubble is better

My bad for a second I thought I was talking to someone who actually knew what they were talking about. We have ONE freedom that can now be dispelled and two horse charges with a 45 second cd. You have to use your dispellable freedom for your horse to move anywhere. I’d rather just not be able to be slowed under 70%

Oh really? reroll fdk then oh yeah you wont cause rets op

My guy. UHDK has been good the entire expansion. Just because you’re upset with how frost has been ignored the entire time doesn’t warrant your hate on ret paladin or comparing them for no reason lol like what are you even on about?

Were not talking about unholy this is about ret and fdk