Is it just me, or did these nerfs do very little?

Damn bro… been watching Vanguards all day and watching him spam spend judgment charges on cooldown. Almost never did he have 2 up at a time, and he spends a lot of time with exactly 0 charges.

But do you man.

So rets are not only holding judgements to outplay, but doing so is “passively” crapping out their rotation? Choose one because it can’t be both

You can actually just kick it too - despite the cast being fast you know exactly when they want to go for an MD making it not that bad to cover; if they get off every trap they’ll also eventually go oom

Divine toll letting judges go off during CC is also pretty stupid


you, a bad ret player, dispelling dots i need all game to even have a viable win condition, and a good ret player that isn’t you, holding judge for a few seconds when my team gains a positioning advantage for a few seconds that might expose a win opportunity, are in fact both possible

also possible is ret having several strong abilities in sanc, bop and sac to try and counterplay a go jungle attempts against his team, and getting those abilities on cooldown before one go without judge dispel means you have an opportunity that allows you to use cc differently than crossing the ret. judgement on a 12 or whatever second cd is much, much harder to overlap in a forced error. it pads the ret team’s defensive depth unfairly


I think removing the interaction from Divine Toll would be a good place to start. It’s omega overkill when coupled with Divine Resonance and Blessed Champion making it hit the entire enemy team 3 times.

Just FYI running 2 charge judgment over single charge 2 hp is a dps loss, as is holding charges to dispel. You like math so food for thought:

Judgment cooldown = 8 seconds fully talented

  • 2 charge judgment gives you one extra judgment front loaded in a 1 minute period
  • In a 1 minute time period, 2 charge judgment will be usable 7 times for a total of 7 holy power generated.
  • The holy power generated equates to 2 1/3 finishers, effective value of 233% towards finishers.

Now single charge judgment

  • In a 1 minute time period, 1 charge judgment will be usable 6 times for a total of 12 holy power generated.
  • The holy power generated equates to 4 finishers, effective value of 400% towards finishers.

Double charge judgment is inferior to single charge, and it would only further reduce Ret’s damage or healing to hold the charges. That’s good for you if you are playing mind games with traps, it’s a similar effect to making casters constantly waste time & dps juking because of the threat of being kicked.

This isn’t new information to anyone

As a burst spec you don’t always need to do max dps the entire game into every matchup


It’s funny that you seem to believe I don’t have the where-withal to hold judgment. It’s small potatoes, and rather then insult your ability to play I’m just going to pat you on the back and let you know everything is going to be okay.

Do you need a hug? It’s just a game.

This is a fair.

I know the pain of having my traps DH reversed, MD’d, imp dispelled, ret dispelled, and straight up just user error of a miss on my part. But at this point in the mess that is DF I honestly can’t say I care anymore, there are plenty of other things that annoy me just as much or more.

This game is pretty bad right now and most people know it. Shuffle waits are excessively long as a dps, and the bracket’s existence is still taking a toll on the 2s and 3s brackets.

Honestly they got nerfed pretty hard. I mostly bg… but the top damagers after this went live were all hunters/locks/ele. So calling for extra nerfs seems extreme. They are still viable but i would not put them in the op class anymore.

Just DH treatment okay?

Some more tuning is still needed

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They might get nerfed again. Historically when DH got big nerfs in the beginning of DF it took multiple tuning passes for blizzard to figure it out.

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Lmao the fact you were sure the nerfs hadn’t happened yet because they are still so strong both made me lol and goes to show they weren’t enough

is this your metric

I played my ret last night, I think wall being on a 1 min CD is more than fair. I don’t think Ret should get both SoV and DP. I also agree that they need to nerf judge dispel with all of the correlating judgement talents. I think this would keep ret strong but able to be punished with poor CD management.

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Ofc a ret player doesn’t understand the difference between then and than.

yOu GuYs WoNt bE haPpY UnTiL rEt iS UnPLayAbLe


Same reason they want warlocks to be unplayable. When were good were way to oppressive and when we’re bad we are the easy kill target.

Title is accurate, just got one shot for a 240k Final Verdict. Not only is their sustain great, they still one shot.

You have 240k hp? Sounds like you need to equip some gear.


as one G.O.A.T. WoW dev once said NERF IT TO THE GROUND, BABY!!

I can tell you that as a ret, I ate warriors alive and intentionally had fellow ret pallies global them in the opener or personally swapped with cds and deleted them while climbing. My last game, another ret and i killed a warrior in 3 sec before he could even react. I think they just naturally do too much to warrior and disarm won’t save you because I can still use other CDs or bait your kick with a heal. Or if I’m feeling extra spicy mongo, bubble/trinket it off and keep yoloing because I can.

The only classes acceptable to the community for competitive pvp are as follows… DK, DH, Warrior, Warlock, Mage, and Rogue, and tolerance of a little Hunter.

Everyone else must be fodder for their flames, that is all.
