Is it just me, or did these nerfs do very little?

I honestly haven’t had any trouble with them in fact I started healing on my disc again after the ret nerfs went live. Legit had a ret beat on a demo lock the entire rnd and couldnt put a dent in him. Chased the hunter the next rnd and got blown up by hunter mage. I am not sure but so far on 3 of my toons rets seem to be dead again.

Absorb from Fading Light is nerfed 75%, literally only absorbing 1/4 of what it was.
Halved JV healing and CS healing
They are noticeable but not a game breaker.

If you weren’t running JV very often and preferred FV, like I was, then you likely didn’t notice to big of a dps drop except to your burst procs.

I didn’t really feel like those were necessary to win anyway so I’m glad they are nerfed.


needed a 30-35% aura nerf.

Did quite a bit, IMO. Just got out of a shuffle where a Ret did 12.5M, versus two DPS who did 8 and one who did 9. Yesterday that same Ret would have probably done 15M. (thanks to the 0-6 Ele who seemed to think standing in melee range and not moving was the best defense strategy for him to make facerolling as easy as possible for said Ret lol)

I’m sure they’ll still get another damage nerf somewhere in the next couple weeks after data comes out, but at least now having a bad player on your team, and not lack of a Ret isn’t the deciding factor in victory.


My advice is stop playing. Soon as you get used to the meta, Blizz changes it.

DF was never a finished game we are just hamsters in a beta test.


As if that’s the only thing people want…

They already got the burst nerfed and some survivability, for wtv reason, now they have a problem with the random dispel from a pvp talent, after that who knows, but people will find out something to complain about ret.


Did this guy go from anime elf to cow because we made fun of him?

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That 2% from lawbringer needs to be brought in line…


give hunter ua and remove the affliction spec it is done

see they don’t understand this for two reasons

  1. fundamentally stupid people with low empathic imagination just are not capable of envisioning how a shared experience might feel for anyone but themselves
  2. even if they did get that, the idea of playing with a game plan is so foreign to ret weasels that “just live until you do enough damage to win” is how they assume every spec in the game works all of the time, and judge dispel stops offense while fast md stops defense

see this is exactly what i’m talking about with point 2

shut up rethum nobody cares that you’ve been missing trap on bm hunter for 30 years


Yeah that’s a perfect display

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Pot meet kettle.

I play hunter too, it’s honestly not hard for all 3 specs to win games right now without even landing traps. BM/Surv sustain are both really good, and MM burst easily rivals FrostDK/WW/Devoker/Ret.

Against ret who can dispel trap you can still stun/scatter and short trap. It’s not the end of the world if 4 second traps get dispelled. :man_shrugging:


“Ladder Lawbringer - Shreds 0.5% of the top ladder spots and replaces them with Ret paladins.”

2% was obviously to much. :joy:


You’re getting spiteful in your old age Dillon. You’re better then this.


if not doing triple everyones damage and 1 shotting people is unplayable then yes.

Disagreeing doesn’t make me spiteful;

That’s a perfect example of the exact thing I was saying. Rets will complain about the toxicity of fast MD countering them while being blind to how dumb judgments of the pure is even moreso now that there are two judge charges.


Their survivalbility got sht on.

i literally didnt think the nerf went live yet, found this thread, seems like other people agree that it wasnt enough, thier damage and burst is just still too insane. You cant even get away from them now they are like ranged or somthing i dont understand what they did to them.

Plenty of classes doing dmg rn, you guys won’t be satisfied until ret is borderline useless.


2 judgment charges is a moot point besides at the start of the game. Unless CC’d long enough to get both charges back, Ret isn’t going to be holding 2 charges really ever. That still leaves you with a 50/50 chance to not get trap reversed with mark on the target.

We don’t have enough buttons to press to generate holy power without BoJ resets or Wings to activate HoW. There’s a lot of downtime with Crusading Strikes that gets filled with basically just judge and BoJ and white swings.

You were right earlier when you said that there was at least more counter play to imp dispel because the debuffs are character specific unlike with judge dispel, but it’s still a toxic mechanic that locks can abuse. Spriest quick dispel is also toxic for traps, but you cover it the same way as Ret by cross ccing them with a stun when you land trap.

Ret could use a redesign on PvP talents in 10.1 to jive with this rework. Really the only 2 that feel good are Magic BoP and Sanc, the rest are either garbage, passive dps boosts, or rage inducing Judgments of the Pure.


some rets are not only better than you, but better even than you can picture

isn’t passively crapped out by their rotation