Is it fun? Why should I play FF?

The character boost is separate from the story skip.

It’s been awhile lol.

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Yeah it was def more expensive back then lol

Actually, it may still have been 11 to skip ARR when they launched the skip, but 25 only skipped heavensward.

Guess you get more value for money now.

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Either way, you are spending money to jump to a point in the story where a bunch of things are referenced and you have no emotional attachment to them and thus will be meaningless for you.

It’s like paying to start a movie an hour into it. You have no idea what’s happening or why there’s dramatic music playing or why that guy shot the other guy.


TBF ARR dragsssssssss

I have never actually watched all of ARR. I start new characters with the goal of it, but about 1/4 the way in you just start skipping.

Not to mention the ending cutscene for 2.5 is like 1.5 hrs long >.>

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If you’re referring to the story skip, then I agree.

If you’re referring to the character boost skip then you still have to complete the MSQ regardless even if you are boosted to 70.

The one thing I will stand by is that Post-ARR is at least very important for Heavensward and the story skip will skip that. But I’m biased because Post-ARR was when I first started paying attention to the story.

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Some of it definitely, the Shiva stuff, the end cutscene, a lot of it was fluff.

However, I don’t know what it looks like now, i haven’t done ARR since they cut out some fat.

It’s better. Still a slog but it got rid of some of the boring dungeons, made them optional, and side stories that didn’t really matter. It’s still tedious but more bearable, especially once you get flight. It makes Post-ARR a lot easier to progress.

Oh yea, I always forget about ARR flight.

I really wouldn’t recommend paying for a skip as someone’s first experience with FFXIV. The game is meant to be taken as a whole thing. Skipping the story means missing out on a chunk of what makes FFXIV the game that it is - and you’ll also be extremely confused if you start paying attention to the story later but skipped ARR/HW/etc.

Best advice to anyone wanting to start trying FFXIV is to just enjoy the journey through the MSQ. Take some side diversions for DoH/DoL if you want, or some of the other side content. If you can get some friends to help you get through the Coils raids, then I highly recommend doing those for at least the story. Hell, if you feel like pausing your MSQ to work on some old expac relics, do that! There is no need to rush to level cap.



It’s a slow burn with a great pay off.
Just be patient.


Yeah, not only that but there are some EXTREMELY important story seeds that are planted early on in ARR which seem not really anything at the time but later become absolutely fundamental to the plot.

Also, really, really recommend to anyone just starting that you do the Coils for the story! It’s not required, but the secrets that are revealed during the Coils story help provide a deeper context for stuff that happens later on. Also, it helps establish your character’s relationship with Alisiae. :slight_smile:


i don’t play trashy cringe or slow games like FF, but you have and had the choice to play any game you want since always, no one is stopping you :smiley:

Are you someone that loves to raid and dungeons getting gear and constantly improving at the game playing with a guild of friends ro over the hardest challenges. Or are you someone that is more of a solo player who stays away from anything with out a queable mode?
If it’s the former wow is for you, the latter you will prolly enjoy ff14 more at least until you run out of content with it

Simple because it’s the better MMORPG overall.

This is the off topic forum. Specifically about games. Why don’t you go away

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After it was moved. Had it been here from the start it wouldn’t have been a problem.

Are you 100% sure about that claim?