Is it fun? Why should I play FF?

Since this game is [Edited by Blizzard] and they are also putting their filthy hands on classic, i’ve been thinking in jumping into the fotm band wagon.

So here is the question for actual FF players… why is it fun? What’s different or better than WOW? What’s worse than WOW? Why should I play that game?



How about you go to their forums then?


I said it before on another thread: FFXIV is a different game than WoW.

They both have obvious similarities, but FFXIV is definitely more story-driven and cares more about the journey of it, whereas WoW is mostly about reaching max level and doing the content there. It’s really up to what you personally enjoy out of an MMORPG, or if you are eager to try something different.

The PvP in FFXIV is poopoo, though. Don’t expect much from that department.


I am literally asking for a comparison between both games genius.

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Combat is slower
There’s only 4 raid bosses every 6 months
PvP is… something special
Story is everything, you can’t unlock anything without first doing a story quest about it
Gear is boring

Crafting is useful
Story is everything, if you like story
You a guaranteed to eventually get the piece of gear you want
Classes do have large rotations (this could also be a negative depending on your gameplay style)
Raids are prettier
The music is awesome.


ugh… ok thanks. Is there another MMO with a good pvp scene?

GW2 or ESO maybe?

  • WoW has larger raids, about 8-12 bosses a tier compared to FF14’s 4 bosses a tier.
  • WoW has mythic raid difficulties for each tier compared to FF14’s ultimate raids which are very rare, IE: there’s 3 of them.
  • Wow has fast, competitive, rated PvP, whereas FF14 has action locking, interrupts on the GCD, and meh ranked scene (note: there IS a pvp revamp coming in 6 months so this might change)
  • WoW has a pretty high bar for banning behavior whereas FF14 will ban abusive behavior very fast.
  • FF14 has an amazing JRPG experience, whereas WoW has some of the worst story telling I’ve seen in a video game.
  • FF14 has important, complex, and skill based crafting, whereas I haven’t leveled profs in WoW in years.
  • FF14 focuses on making lots of different types of max level content whereas WoW focuses on making lots of content for raiding.
  • FF14’s combat is based on linking combos together for max damage and input speeds whereas WoW’s combat is based around reacting to procs, buffs, burn phases.

Do you mean the look of it? Early on I definitely agree. The gear in Shadowbringers and raids can look gorgeous though.

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It depends on which job you take. There’s low APM jobs and high APM jobs.

IE: Machinist has very high APM. Blkmage has lower APM.

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ffxiv is free to try out from a realm reborn to heavensward level 60 for absolutely free with no restrictions on playtime!.

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No, some of it looks great, but some wow gear looks great too, so I call that even.

What I mean is, there’s just stats, there’s no procs, there’s no fun trinkets that do things, it’s just stats.

And for each tier there’s only 2-3 sets, and generally if you’re doing the max level raiding, there’s only 1 set, so there’s no variance between players at all.

In wow not only is there procs but you can get a piece for M+ or raiding and they may be completely different stats, there isn’t just one piece to go for.

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For people talking about slow vs fast combat,


Ninja is a 60 actions per minute class.
White mage is a 26 actions per minute class.

Combat is as fast as WoW depending on what Job you pick!


Even wow’s lowest APM jobs right around FF’s highest APM jobs.

So unless you’re playing something like MCH or NIN you are going to feel like you’re in molasses.

But it’s not just about button presses, overall combat is slower because of the engine and netcode.

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I mean go watch people play it, look up the game and see if it looks interesting. It might not to you.

Its not like theres a shortage of people streaming it, and making youtube videos answering all those questions…why ask the saltiest gaming community out there on their forums?

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The only reason why I haven’t switched to FF yet is their transmog system is garbage. They use some stupid closet thing that has no where near enough slots. Think wow pre legion? Where you had to keep the gear you wanted to mog into. You couldn’t throw anything out.

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Thats one the best ideas wow ever came out with and still master at is the transmog system. (imho) The pet battle stuff is starting to evolve to something nice also, also like the mounts in wow.

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ffxiv has samurai.

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I was thinking of trying it out, the dark knight looked like it would be a good fit, I like the armor and spells, I love tanking.

The spell bar of the guy I was watching seemed a bit bloated though, are all of these used in combat or are most of them things like spectral sight in wow were its not often used in combat?

Also from what I understand I’d have to level a character to 50 first, would there be enough time to do that in the trial? I’ve got to say I hate the idea of having to level a character before I can play what I want, its one of the reasons I want to leave wow (forcing me to play content I don’t want to play)

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