Is it fun? Why should I play FF?

Be warned, you can’t do DRK until you get to heavensward, which means many many hours of playtime as another class

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Ugh that was what I was afraid of…

Thank you for the information though.

it has a free trial so why not


Unfortunately, you have to complete the base game, A Realm Reborn, before being able to unlock 3 jobs from the next expansion. It isn’t like this for Stormblood and Shadowbringers, but those 3 jobs are the only ones locked behind completing story-content.

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I enjoy FF for the consistent well-thought out storyline and world narrative.

It’s a Final Fantasy story and if you have seen or played any other Final Fantasy you will be familiar with the story beats, but just because they are familiar doesn’t mean they aren’t very well executed.

Just because you’ve seen and read Hamlet before doesn’t mean you won’t enjoy watching Sir Patrick Stewart reprise the role.

Combat is slow until you get in the the 50’s then it starts to pick up. The game does a very good job of slowly introducing you to abilities and skills and then forcing you to use them. Dungeons are well done, if linear. Encounter design is good and mechanics are well communicated in-game. Even as a first timer running through the story-mode for dungeons, trials, and raids you will not need to look up a guide so long as you don’t stand in the fire.

People are by and large very friendly and I have yet to have a group with any real toxicity. Any time I’ve messed up a tank pull and wiped or missed an mechanic there was always gentle instruction on to fix it.

I’ve run into one “go go go” person and that behavior stopped the second I didn’t AoE the mobs off their intentional pulling for the tank and the healer let them die and didn’t rez them until after we cleared the pull.

I wish the transmog system was more like WoW’s, but the armor dye system and overall armor aesthetic is :ok_hand: for me.


You can pay to skip that stuff.

Also, no need for alts because your main can play all the classes.

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That is true. There are people who advise against skipping the story, though. Really depends on your liking.

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And more: You need buy 2 diferente currences, one to apply the visual and another to remove. Also you only have acess to the transmorg system after doing a quest line.

To much walls and limitations for a system that should be something simple and direct to use.

It IS worth it though if you can get into the ARR story.

The 30% exp boost and MSQ revamp makes it very fast.

Asmongold got to level 30ish in 8 hours so… you know. I’m sure you could do it faster.


not having to grind an alt to play other classes is a big big plus.


As someone whose been playing 14 for a very long time, let’s go.

  1. Class design. All classes feel unique, in some shape or form (let’s not get into the technicalities for DRK vs WAR on Inner Release/Delirium please lol)

  2. Healing feels great. It’s not like current WoW where your heals are weak so you need a lot. Nah man, you can get a max geared tank at some 200k HP and still hit them with 50k+ heals. Feels so damn good getting beefy heals.

  3. Jobs/Classes are role locked. Paladin is a tank, White Mage is a healer, etcetc. This doesn’t mean they don’t worry about their damage though, because you’ll be trying your best to push DPS as a tank and a healer as well.

Example here is our Black Mage does around 23k DPS and on my Scholar (healer) I can get up to 10k DPS. (Never said I was the best)

  1. Pace of the game. It starts off slow, I won’t lie, but eventually it gets pretty damn rapid. Ninja feels like old Adren Rogue at times.

  2. Transmog/Glamour. Although the storage system could be better (like WoWs transmog tab), there are significantly more items to pick and choose from to outfit yourself with. Just don’t be basic as hell and use the Dalmasca top/bottom on a female character. You’re not unique. You’re basic. #endrant

  3. Dungeons - Similar to WoW tbh. Big pulls, kill trash, kill boss, get loot. More variety to do on current 14 than current WoW, especially if you take all the expansions into account.

  4. Raids - Released in small yet more frequent than WoW. WoW likes to release a raid and then not release one for… quite a bit of time. 14 will release small amount (4 bosses here, with savage difficulty option), a 24 man part 1 (3 parts per expansion) which is like LFR/Normal, etc

  5. Patch Cycles. They are good on around a 3-4 month patch cycle. Anyone who complains about lasts years “5 months without content!” or the current “we’re not getting anything!” is purposely ignoring content like the relic weapon and such. 14 is in a lull right now until November where the last patch came out last month. So June > Nov of relic farming and doing any other catch up content.

  6. Final one: All jobs on all classes. Oh, and crafting matters the whole game, not just for one expansion and then done.


Agreed, I actually started again in order to slow down and enjoy the story.

I treated like WoW at first trying to get to the end as fast as possible. The game was less fun that way for sure.


This does make FF14 less alt-friendly than WoW, however. If you want to play another character nothing from your main will pass over (besides account-bound stuff you might get). I don’t consider this to be much of an issue, but it could be a con to you.

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How much would that cost?

If I were to pay for the skip would I still be able to go back and play through it at my leisure later on? Or is it gone forever once you skip it?

That is one of the HUGE appeals for me. Unfortunately at the moment I’m pretty much dead set on the dark knight although the samurai looks like fun as well.

Oh the grind is real for alts.

Palace of the dead will become your most hated thing in the world


There is a NG+ option to play through the cutscenes again.

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k gotcha… thanks

To skip just ARR would cost 25 bucks IIRC. Might be 15 I’d have to look.

25 dollars for 70 iirc?

Either way… don’t suggest doing it.

It could ruin your fun.


Skipping ARR is like $11, actually. Skipping Stormblood is $25.