Is it fun? Why should I play FF?

Yes of course

Ok. Just checking.

There is a no-obligations trial available in which you can level up to 60, which is both A Realm Reborn and Heavensward.

Don’t pay much attention to the criticism of A Realm Reborn’s pace. It was developed as the follow-up to the original 1.0 and due to how the story works, is nearly impossible to adjust in order to make it better-paced. All they could do was take away some quests and condense others to shorten the time.

But as a first-timer going through the story, it’s decently serviceable and consistent. Lots of fetch-quests, but even WoW has those in different flavors.


If you raid–this is correct.

That’s subjective as most players are moving to get away from the competitive elements.

Again–read the room. Players who are moving are casual and don’t want only competitive mode

Full love this feature. It works, it makes things more enjoyable, and lets players play. No need for reminding people they’re trash.


Professions in WoW are nothing more than in-name-only and are a carry over from the EQ days of tradeskills but the only difference is it tells you what you need.

Yep. FF isn’t a one-trick pony. To quote those tik tok videos WoW has 3 looks: A raider, a M+, and PvP.

Still learning this but correct.

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My two cents:

Better in FF14:

-Storyline. I’ve always loved the FF plots, and FF14 at its core is still an FF game. There’s a central storyline (called “Main Scenario Quest” or MSQ) playing through the whole game from Level 1 onwards (as opposed to the first few WoW expansions, where each zone had its own story and you could just move on in the middle of it as soon as you hit a certain level). I’ve loved the FF14 plot the whole way through, other common opinions are that the initial game (ARR) can drag, but gets better as you get into the expansions. Either way, the FF14 story blows away anything in WoW except perhaps WotLK.

-Only need 1 character on a server. A single character can learn as many classes as you want. You level almost all of the classes independently (except Summoner and Scholar, which level up together), but you don’t need to keep switching to other toons and re-doing the same quests over and over and over again just to play different classes.

-Professions (in FF14 they’re their own classes) are actually USEFUL. Crafted gear is actually of sufficient quality to get you going at end-game. And professions like Carpentry let you create music rolls you can play in inns/housing. On the side of could go either way - crafting has its own rotation and skill involved, rather than just collecting mats and clicking create.

-Token system. Gear at end-game is done through a variety of token-style currencies. There are drops to roll on, but you’ll also be accumulating the various currencies that let you steadily obtain specific pieces of gear that you want.

-Community. I’ve been playing FF14 on-and-off for a few years, and now it’s my main game, and I can still count on my hands (maybe just one hand) the number of toxic groups I’ve been in. And I shouldn’t even say toxic groups, but rather toxic individuals. Practically everyone I’ve encountered has been positive, people help each other…it’s a breath of fresh air.

-Dev/Community relationship. Possibly over-simplifying, but I’ll sum it up by juxtaposing WoW’s fan event with the infamous “you have cell phones, right?” comment. Compared to FF14, where someone created a meme dance to a dungeon theme, and members of the dev team performed it at the latest fan event.

WoW does better:

-Movement engine. Hands down, after all these years and many different MMO’s, I am yet to find a game that has such easy and smooth movement as WoW.


-Combat speed. WoW is faster-paced. FF speeds up as you level up and gain more skills (particularly oGCD ones), but combat is definitely more methodically paced. I got used to it rather quickly, though.

-Rush, rush, rush! WoW has it. FF14 has it in early dungeons, but the community in general wanted to get away from that, and the devs listened. Later dungeons usually put “blocks” in every couple packs, so you can still pull a bunch of stuff, but it’s not a speed race through the whole dungeon. You’ll pull at most 2 packs and maybe an extra pat max. Then AoE, then move on.

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