Is it even possible to pressure as a destro lock in healer 2s?

It is, unfortunately most people in this game have the iq of 45 and pick 3 honor talents and never change them ever again

Did u just say healers don’t die to casters LOL bro u are really bad at the game

I’m going to go out a limb here and say so many people had to get used to warlocks frying them last patch made people really aware of how to fight destro locks

They lost a lot of power but people still treat them as if they are going to get 0.9 second chaos bolted still

It’s a literal magic spell that hits for almost nothing (there are many unviable casters/ranged right now).
If I sing the full symphony of spells and line everything up, you shouldn’t have an “out” for every situation. Most melee can leap or roll away from damage, or when my spells do hit I’m actually working a lot harder because they hit for far less than they should.
9 times out of 10 any garbage melee player will do 1.5-3x the damage of a caster. It’s simply more difficult to be a caster.

prob cus you don’t know how to setup damage

lol what is this garbage, tell me how to set up damage on a warrior who has 15 sec kick, 20 second reflect, bolt, then leap/intervene around a pillar, and on top of that his healer lets say shaman, kick on 12 seconds, grounding totem, hex…

and all of this on top of defensives.

and if I get a cast off, its hitting like 8k dmg without burst, which is like 2 instant hits from a warrior.


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Prob watch some vids man, plenty players figure it out.

Takes a significantly larger amount of brain power and it’s stressful. I was just trapped in warrior night fae ability. It stunned/interrupted me 6 times in a row. So don’t start with us, trash game is trash.
I’m “freecasting” (being stunned over and over and over by DH but getting some damaging casts off), he’s burning HPal down to nothing with his Ret who is healing almost as much as my healer.
This is a MELEE game. Period. It’s all about melee, it always will be. Melee and 2-3 caster specs and that’s it.

ah so you’re not looking for solutions just whine support group

naming off spells in a vacuum is super cringe.

Don’t understand how someone can be inexperienced and new at something and yet so entitled

Maybe PvP isn’t for you if everything is too hard

You are as worthless as your statements. I support OP because it’s true. 85%+ of arenas have melee in them.

i’m bored so I’ll go back and forth

The ground will continue to expel anima, dealing [4 * (35% of Attack power)] Nature damage to up to 5 enemies and generating 16 Rage per enemy over **12 sec**. Every 3 sec, targets are briefly knocked down.

So you stood in Ancient aftershock for 18s ( somehow), just taking damage getting stunned and feed rage

You seem like a worthless team mate

To just move I guess

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I’m sorry you have such low intelligence. Note the fact that I said I was trapped, hence I was stunned repeatedly in it. Easy win conditions.
As I said before, you do not carry value in this game or in this world so please move on somewhere else. You are completely worthless.

You using words that make no sense don’t really help your case.

So warrior freezing trapped you in it I guess. OR he must of been a Kyrian/Night Fae dual citizen and speared you in Ancient aftershock.

Also he extended Ancient aftershock 6s because you were knocked down 6x by it

Yea huge value posts from you, 93 posts of crying about melee instead of just getting good.

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u know what, how about I challenge YOU to go find me videos of shadowlands destro :slight_smile: hint: there are none.

Watch some of Featherfeet’s streams

hes 1700 in 2s lol, even i achieved higher… whats also funny is he is playing affliction cuz of his legendary in the armory.

you have almost 2,000 games played sitting at 1600, he has… 40

(lol 2’s btw)

And he’s duelist in 3s just playing whatever. He also plays all 3 specs

Neither of which do with what you asked, he’s a good lock player and streams. You asked for vids.

Had I said Chanimals it’d be the same old trope “he’s a blizzcon winner with r1 team mates its not the same”

Stop making excuses go make some CR

omg chanimal only plays afflic? I said find me destro streams.

They can stick to you. Also the difference in melee CCs vs caster CCs is that they’re undispellable. Undispellable crowd control from many melee constantly for guaranteed unbelievable damage. Self healing completely broken.
Warrior able to charge over and around pillars and corners across the map or heroic leap which is on what, a 5s cool down?

uh heroic leap is 45 sec charge is 20 sec lol