Is it even possible to pressure as a destro lock in healer 2s?

Even juking does nothing, melee have tons of undispellable stuns…

Spriest, Boomy, ele, mage are all insane atm and these caster players are acting like succeeding as a caster atm requires a PHD and 8 arms. Casters are fine.

I hope Blizzard doesn’t listen to the lock whining. I don’t want to see warlock overlords again.

I think wars just have too many gap closures now. It’s going to be a nightmare for any lock spec to overcome arms in 2s. Having a charge, leap, bladestorm, kyrian spear on top of that having intervene and spell reflect just becomes too overwhelming for casters generally. A good fix imo would be to increase leap and bladestorm cd to 2.5min without anything lowering this cd.

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nah war mobility is balanced ww on the other hand. Not sure they needed the flying serpent kick buff

Imagine complaining about warriors mobility of all things

Its kinda funny that destro has a hardcasted interruptable, resource generated spell that can be los’d and does 8 to 10k while MM can still camo open with resonating arrow for 80% of someone’s health.

How people justify this is beyond me. The game needs a complete overhaul atm. I even PLAY WW AND ROGUE and admit it needs a fix

ok how much would you like chaos bolt to hit for?

Tbh i think they need a change to the spec. A fel flame mechanic that can reduce cast time or has a chance on hit to reduce cast time would make it easier for them to get casts off without being too imbalanced.
I feel the damage is OK, even strong, but its unreasonably hard to get the casts off.

I am highly biased and really dont like the 2 second play times. I would rather damage see a flat 15% reduction in pvp while also making this change.

i would be in favor of a class rework before a chaos bolt buff. That being said I think destro is pretty strong rn.

It becomes alot easier to get bolts off when you realize fear is on a different school than bolt

WW is supposed to be squishy with mobility and have great dmg. Sure some of the dmg from WW can be a bit nutty, but its certainly not as oppressive as arms. I personally think WW is functioning as intended. Arms however doesn’t need so many ways to stick to targets with all the utility and dmg it has on top of ignore pain.

If anything, the one thing I would nerf for WW is FoF dmg slightly and maybe delete the entire slow attribute tied to the ability so it can be replaced with a good ole short AoE stun for the sake of better gameplay.

playing a caster in 2s is always lame, just find an hpal.