Is it even possible to pressure as a destro lock in healer 2s?

I have same vers and stuff as you bro, but im 100 less int… I am not hitting that high. niyas buff and everything I can only get 18k on a target dummy.

edit: wait I just noticed it says “average 12k”… nvm I hit average 12k too with no darksoul… I thought you hit 26k with one chaos bolt. That should be the damage though to make destro viable…

This means your claim of bolt hitting 15k on a player target is unfounded… it can only hit 12k on a target dummy which has no vers.

and I dont get how you can possibly hit 23k unless it was on a protection pally…

What are u trying to say with all this then?

Just line the melee!

oh yea this is all not mentioning that u can simply LoS a destro and ur damage is just gone…

Was a joke referring to all the destro locks in bfa season 4 getting a free ride saying “just line the bolt” that said I’ve run into some good destro locks that’ can make you feel like there’s a rogue around. Coil/fury/port/circle/your silence immunity/fear/ is conflag root a thing? I feel like you guys have a lot of tools and 1/10 warlocks actually uses them, the rest are still playing BFA chaos bolt go bbrrrrrrrrrrrrr

yea bro i use all my spells lol… like cmon

Oh you’re viable, it’s just miserable when people have unlimited toolkits to counter you and you have 3 things for their 80.

Easy my guy, you can’t take that talent without giving up your ability to have a chance to win.

Sing a song while I punch you in the face, let’s see how many words you get out. I call it, realism :slight_smile:

Chaos bolt needs cast time reduced by 0.2 seconds baseline and backdraft charges need to last indefinitely until used. Finally the Bolt legendary needs the buff time extended to 6 seconds from 3.

Those are pretty minor changes and I think would go a long way to making destro much smoother to play.

as a destro, in BFA, my only kill window is to suceessfully set up a double coil, but in shadowland, 2 bolt in a row need 5 sec, coil is 3 sec, so i can bascially shot 1 bolt only, enemy will be able to stop the second bolt. The low haste make it hard to kill anyone, especally if enemey has a shammy or warrior sit on me, I just give up.

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It does need to be longer both in PVP and PVE.

Bunch of terrible warlocks in here minus moo lol

I feel attacked.

That’s a lie. First bolt is 1.8 sec cast, second is 1.3-1.5ish. Mostly haste geared, conflag soul rot, double coil, chaos chaos, or chaos->curse of weakness the reflect, chaos… It’s still not ideal, but it’s doable. You aren’t supposed to be able to 100-0 someone in a freaking mortal coil though, like what?

you should make them pop defensives or die if they allow you to cast off 2 chaos bolts in a row though, otherwise whats the point of playing destro?

Its just awful practice to list entire spellbooks and say “see its impossible, melee ruin the game” as if you’re 1v3

I mean OP started an entire thread calling pillars cringe.

Another lock claiming casters have it so so so hard when Fire and Shadow have immense kits and can dictate the meta (combust, mind games)

Your positioning and team cc are booty if melee are just indefinitely sticking to you unafraid using every stop on you while your team watches

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bro have you played any caster who actually casts? not fire,boomy, or shadow? They are unplayable.

Yes, I play an ele with 1.8s long lava burst casts

You sit and cast when it matters

There are plenty of caster players better than you or I making the “impossible” happen every game at 2700+

You and my failures are ours alone and until you just nut up and L2P you’ll be stuck where you belong

Not much you can do to punish melee for poor positioning right now though. Like even under best possible scenario and you have nagrand or something and you pull them behind your own pillar, 80+ yards from their healer, it’s basically zero risk for the enemy healer to dive, because healers just… Don’t die to casters… Outside of lolmassdispelUAs. Since every heal right now is instant cast, the double melee you just pulled back can infinitely outcleave you, out CC you, and out sustain you. When the healer DOES cross the map, even if you hop out to punish his movement in the open, it only takes a single instant to heal whatever you were trying to kill back to full.

It’s a bad meta to play a warlock, until WW+Arms are toned down, lock will remain C tier outside of riding on mindgame’s coattails. If mindgames didn’t exist, lock wouldn’t even exist on the ladder (granted their 3% representation is basically that already)

Right now in 2s, I’ve just come to the conclusion if I’m fighting a competent warrior or WW, it’s a loss from the moment the gates drop, in 3s, if it’s WW/Arms/X it’s an auto loss as well, no matter what comp I play. Could argue that WW/DK and Arms/DK are just as unwinnable, but DKs are pretty dumb, and they aren’t quite god status, but they 100% enable the WW/Arms to get infinite uptime.

99 times out of 100, when I play with or against an Ele, their kills are 100-0 in less than a single global, and it’s 100% instant, so I don’t know what you’re smoking.

You can make whatever excuse you want, exhaust every reason besides you being the problem it doesn’t matter.

Those ele 100-0s happen when no one does anything about a telegraphed stormkeeper cast, leave flame shocks up or don’t CC an ele for 5s after an echoing shock cast

Lava surge is a 10% proc rate, a full duration flame on a single or even 2 targets on low rolls can go without a lava surge proc.

Ele legendary requires maelstrom to force an instant cast lvb, maelstrom comes from casting since ele has no passive resource generation.

But go on talk your ish.