Is it even possible to pressure as a destro lock in healer 2s?

I find it way too hard to get any defensives popped, it seems to only happen against noobs. Anyone who knows how destro works will know to never pop a defensive until I use dark soul. So… if I want to win how can I win without making them pop defensives before I actually burst? Once I use my burst its done for another 2 minutes.


I mean versus a lot of classes no. You will be permanently silenced by nearly any melee, since melee are designed better than all casters. I literally run soul fire and kicks very rarely land on me. That doesn’t stop Arms for example, which is designed with no damage cap and has a rotation that allows them to permanently shut you down.
People can sit and argue with me all they want and cry and whine that melee are not better. They are. Period, done and over with the subject. The ONLY thing that makes casters ANY GOOD are gimmicks overall like Combustion and Convoke. You don’t land a kick you shouldn’t have 70-90 different pseudo kicks and grabs and saps and punches.
Melee are rewarded simply by being melee. There is no skill involved. They do more damage and do not have to manage resources (maybe enhance does?). Meanwhile my many, many macros do absolutely nothing to stop 10 spell reflects, storm bolt. I mean I literally have to believe that charge has no cooldown because they have 3 charges with heroic leap.
It’s not you, it’s a trash game and you are not to blame for heinous design problems.


hpal + aura mastery !!!

Yes, the 3 min cd that you will be stunned for half of will save you from the melee… which if they’re at all alive and have any eyes in their skull will just wait for one of their 10-15s cd stuns to stun you.

ayo you know locks get an aura mastery too
and double bop
and havoc coil

3 min cd unending resolve that gets stunned through for 2-4s. Since time exists, you have 1-2 casts after that. The melee has taken at least 10 actions since then.


do you even play the game


Honestly I’m only chilling in the 18-1900 bracket on my lock but I think destro is better than afflic for 2s. We lose a third of our pressure with only two targets. Until the dampening change is reverted afflic is hell in 2s. Destro I can throw 13-15k bolts whenever I want, and 20-23k during CDs.

With that said, I think Rsham with either a WW or Arms is a loss before the gates even open for either spec.

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yes immolate/conflag is decent pressure, but all ur kills will come from double chaos bolt

find an hpal and stand in the middle of the arena


You have a lot more pressure outside of the DS window than locks did in 8.3 since your imm/conflag deal decent damage and your base CB damage is better in lieu of grim stacks. You just need to keep juking, use gate, soulshape, tele to get CBs off and keep your immolates up.

That’s true of any class with a burst CD. You always have option #2, which is to CC the healer and force a defensive CD from the DPS or vice versa. As a warlock playing with an rsham or hpal you have tons of tools to make that happen. Double coil into fear into a SF/hoj/hex once you have shards and backdrafts, pump them with 2-3 CBs and they’ll have to do something.

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Thank you thank you thank you this is exactly how I feel. Its ridiculous my god. Like holy hell, melee have waaay too much CC, uptime, unkitable, kicks, defensives, this game just sucks. God damn.

Sorry what? What are you talking about… my full cd chaos bolts with havoc legendary hit for 15k… how are you getting normal chaos bolts to hit that? normal chaos bolts hit like 9k max… not even usually just 6-7k… what?

23k with cooldowns? I never hit that other than on a PvE geared prot pally once.

Please tell me how.

Hes not getting those numbers

lol probably, i never seen any lock hit that. Its really sad our 3 second cast time spell hits as much as an average melee hit…


Acting like this is a viable option is lol…

Lol no you can’t.

imgur dot com/a/khgvRgY

Don’t have time to get some logs from in 2s/skirms/etc so the dummy will suffice. It hits that hard, without the 40% vers bonus from the trinket which would basically account for the -damage taken of the opponent due to their own vers, give or take. Maybe you just suck at destro? I’m 202 ilvl btw. Haste geared because I main afflic. Yeah I regularly throw 20k+ in bgs, arena, world pvp, doesn’t matter.

You two sound like the dude that refused to believe I 41k deathbolt someone in arena too XD

it takes zero skill to hit dark soul/badge/chaos bolt. youre not getting those numbers without skyfury.

You can see my buffs you moron. That’s why I specifically didn’t crop the pics lol

Training dummy… No versatility on it. Soul Rot mastery buff…

Lol bruh…

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