Is it even possible to pressure as a destro lock in healer 2s?

If I have 24% vers and gain an additional 40% that puts me at 33.6% damage. If the enemy has 24% vers they have 12% damage reduction, so my gain of 9.6% damage vs their reduction of 12% is preeetty close to balancing out.

You have no idea what youre talking about

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Whatever boss, I showed that in a matter of seconds I could log on and the moment I threw bolts I threw them at the numbers I said I could without vers bonus. You just refused to admit you’re wrong because it would mean you’re garbo on your lock.

You’re sub 1800 on your lock…

This is the sign of someone who has no argument and is just throwing shade. You’re not hitting those numbers on 24% vers targets, no one is. Stop lying.

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Am not. I’m 1808 and 1821 thank you very much! XD

Right now its ww monks…they have great sustain and i cant kite them

700 games with a flat 50% win rate. I wouldnt be talking imo.

100% No voice LFG too :slight_smile: Learning the class. What’s that say about you then Mr. BFA 2600 lock hardstuck at a lower CR than me with 600 games played and a 50% winrate? Sockems-Tichondrius

I have not played 600 games on my lock lmao

Also, that’s not how verse is calculated. You don’t simply subtract your verse offensive from their verse defensive lol.

Take your base damage (we’ll call it 1) and multiply it by 1.336 (your extra verse) and now you’re doing 1.336 damage. Now take their verse… we’ll just say it’s 24% for samezies. You’re doing 88% damage to them, which reduces this to 1.175 damage.

So yeah, it’s pretty significant…

That’s still only a difference of -6.5% from the shown damage on a dummy, so even if you took off 6.5% of the damage from my chaos bolts, they are still within the range stated. :slight_smile: The fact remains, chaos bolts don’t hit for 6-8k without CDs or 15k with them. My point was that everyone in this thread seems to think they hit like wet noodles for some freaking reason.

Edit: Fully geared people (excluding pve geared or 2400+) are sitting well within the range of a 2 shot if I cast both. Even if they capped out on my low end of like 18k for both shots… It’s still instant death, especially with infernal damage, conflag, etc.

Lol I can show you countless games to prove you most bolts in an arena setting hit for around 8-9k on my lock without CDs on the initial bolt. They ain’t wrong.

And you’re acting like that first bolt wasn’t buffed. Dude you’re rocking a Niya mastery buff. That’s like what 300 or 400 mastery iirc?

My biggest bolt today in all my skirms was like 18k, which was badge, DS, Niya buff, 2nd bolt.

If anything they need to up shard gen from immo ticks and incinerate casts. That would make destro better in PVP and PVE and give us a more fluid rotation. We’re literally just superman punching and being done. Every lock covenant ability should generate shards, but none do.

Yeah… And you force the Niya buff to 8-10 stacks with soul rot. That’s literally the point of soul rot. It increases the followup burst. It’s not some major 3 min CD, you just use it before bursting, no different from Havoc->Coil for destro locks. 1 min gos. Because that’s how long it takes to gen shards. Then every 2-3 minutes you have your big gos.

This is very true:

Here are the worst offenders I think:

Arms Warrior:
Spell Reflect

Leg Sweep


These three melee can shutdown a Destro or any hardcaster simply by sticking to you effortlessly and rotating these abilities.

Ret and Enhance don’t have as many CC/interruption tools, but Ret’s healing makes it OP

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Oh I agree, shard generation is abysmal, and chaos bolt requiring 2 shards when we have a cap of 5 feels seriously janky. It’s why I haven’t bothered trying it in ranked yet, only skirms+bgs. I’m not confident with my ability to survive WW/Arms/X as afflic, much less with loldestro.

No skill involved? Not everyone plays a Warrior or Windwalker that can be on target 24/7. Try playing a DK, that is how melee should be designed.

You wut m8? Grounding? Infinite wind shears? That ground stun? Cap totem? Combine that with infinite purges and it’s just yikes.

Imagine trying to cast vs a DK that either as frost has perma 90% slow, grips, stuns, disorients, etc. or UH has infinite pet stuns, immunity to fear, infinite AMS duration, AMZ, etc. ON TOP of that absolutely disgusting necro covenant ability that spams grip every single second for 12 seconds.

Don’t get me wrong, DKs are not as overtuned as WW+Arms, but they are 100% enabling those two classes by locking casters or healers etc down PERMANENTLY while the WW/Arms destroys them.

Rogues are less of an issue, but the whole 1 min full strength gos is legit broken considering every class only has CDs to survive those gos every 2-3 minutes so they basically get free CDs in the opener and autowin the next go.

Edit: DKs enable the melee mongoloid meta in the same way that UA is currently enabling the Spriest Mindgames cheese. If you deleted mindgames, Shadowplay wouldn’t even be B tier. DKs by themselves are actually pretty solid, decently balanced, but WW/Arms/Ret are so over the freaking top right now, that having a support melee to lock something in place makes those comps impossible to deal with.

My comment is in relation to Arms/WW/Sub.

Enhance has tools, just not as many as the above mentioned to disrupt casting (all of the above classes have instant abilities to interrupt as opposed to enhance shaman delayed cap totem and casted hex).

Please respond to what i’ve actually said, if you are going to respond.

You are right, I forgot to mention DK, which is also kinda aids to deal with as a hard caster and enables the mongoloid melee faceroll we currently see.

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