Is Horde really having fun in AB?

They were 2k for weaps if I remember correctly.

My point is if you arent doing high rated arenas racials dont matter otherwise. 2.4k is reaching that cut off. I thought many have been above 2k.

But racials do matter quite a bit. The majority of all classic wrath gladiators were human. THE MAJORITY. The data just doesn’t even agree with you.

The problem is at equal skill levels, AT HIGH RATED ARENAS, that’s where gear and other advantages take over.

Actually racials matter a lot period.

In retail the majority of high mythic + scores are DOMINATED BY dwarf and night elf.

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OP racials do matter for victory, in every mode of PVP, it sways the advantage.

I will concede human racial in WOTLK/Cata is more OP than horde racials in classic/SoD, but when you factor imbalance with a faction specific class on the same faction that has the best PVP racials, AND map advantage, that’s why alliance lose like damn near every game.

if we had shaman on alliance TODAY it would probably be like 45/55% W/L

Again, Gladiator doesnt mean sh1t. Those that are playing at Gladiator level can get gladiator with the worst race combo.

So you are saying if you play a Human whatever you will magically hit gladiator? lol

no, pretty sure mans is saying it is a contributing factor, not THE factor. optimal players find the most success when pushing rating

Again, my point is Human racials will not automatically make you good. Where is really matters most of us wont reach those levels. Thats all I am saying…

??? I can’t even argue with you. These players were originally horde in tbc. Why didn’t they stay horde? Why did they re roll all of their horde chars since they could have just got R1 gladiator anyways? The reality is , because sometimes competition is tight and you can miss glad or a r1 slot by something as tight as a one game loss on the last night of cut off.

These players KNOW THIS they KNEW human racial was OP.

And that’s not even getting into the pvp community argument of. You have to then find teammates and like minded pvp individuals will also flock to an advantage. So you want to spam the lesser players in lfg on your push? No.

It seems you aren’t even denying the advantage you just use the “you could pull yourselves up by your bootstraps and play wel anyways” which isn’t even the argument.

It’s that racials do impact performance in classic PvP and that’s a fat objective yes. The data demonstrates this. Try not to suffocate next time you stick your head in the sand…


Its ok friend… we can agree to disagree. You can continue to think that way… I will keep my head in the sand. thanks.

yeah but it matters in more than just arena, it literally gives you an upper hand in any form of PVP.

think of it like this, humans in WotLK can run a passive DPS increase trinket AND an on use DPS increase trinket AND still be able to get out of all CC on the same cooldown as pvp trinket. they can burst you harder because of this.

in SoD, people sure love telling paladins to press HoJ on shamans, but most shamans are orcs and straight up resist my biggest win condition against their melee spec. it’s a massive advantage, you can try to play around it but it is an uphill battle, like fighting a human with 2 DPS trinkets. with the way the classes are currently balanced, racial plays a big part on if I can land a kill or not vs sham

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Horde solo queus are like 45+ minutes.


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I cant wait till Blizzard gives us same faction bgs… alliance are going to get so mad. LOL

I’ve only played Alliance in SoD. Horde for the other 20 years. And you know what? Everytime horde loses a BG there’s the same whiny nerds screaming in chat about how bad the horde are at the game. Pretty much the same as what you’re screaming now.

The difference being of course the balance in SoD is so much worse, and shaman are legit broken.

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sorry, but i’ve haven’t seen such blind road fighting and HK in my life. BS capped from behind on the opposite bridge? give me a break. That’s a whole new level right there.

I’m not sure when the meta became for alliance to give up LM. Thats a weird one… heh

i really think they almost had something with incursions. almost. if they made them instanced with m+ scaling that woulda kept pvers happy and pvp+pvers very happy.

BM was the best pvp event they added and they missed on a near hit with incusions making them some of the least replayable content theyve ever made.

ultimately its on them to make nonraidlog content fun and they really fd up and its been rolling downhill in all areas of the game ever since

add to that extremely tumultuous pvp balancing on weekends only 3 weeks in a row and pvp only players bailed too.

Next up after racials it will be the map.

Nobody on horde Q’s solo, friend.

I can’t even do battlegrounds. Every solo queue on Horde side so far has broke an hour for my toons before I just stopped them. Not sure what’s going on.

If they do so, you will see a flood of complains from your faction about how broken ele with burn rune is. I legit have 3 flameshocks applied on me every 5-6 sec on wsg all the time.

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they dont win in real life so this is the highest theyre gonna get. Let them have their time in this gamemode. they need it.