Is Horde really having fun in AB?

I’m glad you’ve been able to share your nonsense to the masses. Hope it makes you feel better. Feel free to pat yourself on the back for a job well done. Sure told me! :roll_eyes:

I mean it provides me ample entertainment yea, I don’t even play SoD anymore. My sub runs out here in like 4 days. Just funny seeing some has-been Arena forum troll resorting to now trying to make themselves relevant in the dieing SoD forum.

Keep it up little buddy.


So … why are you posting here then? You seem to be all about Crapaclysm. Should take yourself over there and enjoy pretending to be somebody.

Couldn’t come fast enough. You’ll sure be missed with your attitude.

Yet another accusation toward me which I’ll kindly request you back it up with proof. I’ll wait. It’s a holiday weekend and I’m sure if you’re right you’ll be able to find something before your sub expires (supposedly).

I’ve got all day friend. :slight_smile:

I’m not about either, I just told you. My sub is running out. I just decided to pop in here and check if Blizzard finally woke up and nerfed Shamans in SoD. Then I saw your absolute garbage takes and couldn’t help myself from picking you apart.

You aren’t worth the time or effort it would take for me to copy and paste your multiple statements in 100s of threads. It would honestly make my eyes bleed if I had to read those Low IQ takes anymore.

I bet you do, if you didn’t have so many logical fallacies I’d have called you about as low IQ as an AI chatbot. But since your takes are so abysmally, mind-numbingly, low int stat I would never make that mistake.

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Delete the Protection tree and the Retribution tree and marvel at how Alliance win rates increase.

Ohhhhhhh … a shaman hater. Makes complete sense now.

Something tells me if you’re quitting over shamans it wouldn’t take much to get you to quit in the first place. As I already said … you’ll be missed … coughnotcough. I need a drink, something in my throat.

Oh, so you missed the comments prior to mine and figured I’d be a prime target to try and respond toward? Awesome. I always enjoy a good debate on the forums.

Sooooo … you have nothing and are making things up. Got it. Nice attempt at a deflection friend. I’ll continue to try to take you seriously as we progress forward.

You sure to like to fling insults. Very poor attempted ones I might add … but hey, I was a preteen once too. If you throw enough bodily fluids at the wall eventually something will stick.

I love chatting with your type. I make you look foolish, so you resort to insulting me because you’ve got nothing else to contribute to the conversation as you know I’m right.

I mean if we’re being honest here, your father should have followed this exact advice instead of bringing you into existence.

Please don’t tell me you believe people play BGs for literally any other reason than the honor grind.

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See, there you go again.

Do you have anything to share outside of making yourself look foolish and fishing for a forum vacation?

Oh wait, you’re supposedly quitting anyway and are gonna tell me how you don’t care. Damn, I can predict the future now too.

Ah yes, very intelligent of you. You’re almost literate and possibly on the cusp of consciousness. Like I said, I’d compare you to some Chat GPT AI bot when it comes to conscious human thought, but that would be insulting to the AI bot.

Pretty sure I already shared my views, your takes are fried, your brain is fried, and we can all leave it at that pumpkin :kissing_smiling_eyes:.

Oh I didn’t miss those comments, yours are just low hanging fruit.

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The more you insult me the more you look foolish.

First you resort to making false claims about me, which I kindly asked you to back up and you immediately resorted to your nonsensical statements about my intelligence amongst other things … you’re hilarious. Someday you’ll grow up and it’ll get better for you. Someday.

No, actually … I had to pull them from you because you somehow went sideways toward me and I’m always down to conversate with people like you. I thrive on making you look foolish and am doing an excellent job here. :slight_smile:

Zachaios 100 … hardinesslol 0.


You’re right, I gain nothing by insulting an unconscious blob. None of what you said is relevant after this due to you really not being on the same level of human thought process and comprehension. We don’t have much more to discuss.

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That’s okay. You’re dismissed. :wave:

yes, imagine, if you will, that people enjoy PVPing for the sake of fun


You must be blatantly restupid if you didn’t realize horde were on the tail end of being clapped by alliance ALL OF WRATH.

As a smart person who was a human warrior in wrath, let me tell you, double trinket is in fact busted .

Im curious did you arena in Wrath? or you just talking cuz you hear someone else complain about it?

I did do arena in wrath, and I also did bgs. Even so, I wouldn’t have to even do arena to look at data.

Good players are good because they make a series of good decisions. This shows in the data if you look at the faction breakdown of gladiator cut offs in wrath classic and the vast majority were alliance.


A lot of classic era good pvpers pick horde because of racials. The horde player pool in sod is likely significantly better than the alliance player base. You cannot simply have a 25% chance to immune a win condition or an on use fear charm break and expect good players not to gravitate to these races. Good players will make a good series of decisions.

At what rank did you areana? Again, just curious… =)

I regularly get to 2k 2300 or 2400 get whatever the final item cut off reward is then bg. Because idrc to spam lfg for healers after I get the items I need and I just enjoy bging with the homies.

In SL season 1 I remember getting 2400 second week getting my weapons then going back to bgs and m+.

I think all of the good wrath awards were like what2k or 2100 I can’t recall but always got the items then bounced.

I believe this dude when he claims to be high rated, because he admits the OP strengths of his class while also regularly showing screenshots of him with massive K/D ratios