Is Horde really having fun in AB?

I bet you there wont be one thread… unless its an alliance on a horde account. The horde will be happy they dont have to rely on alliance for bgs to queue. =)

Horde doesn’t have to rely on alliance to q. You simply q as a stack. Also shamans can’t dispell flameshock, so gl eating 2k spells in 1 gcd.

Im not even remotely worried about fighting shamans if alliance get em. I already fight them in STV.

I agree with this. The idea was great. the execution was terrible.

Low iq thinking. I vs them in STV so i know what they are like! So good

Whats wrong did someone drop you when you were a kid? Take a chill pill its only a game. How about you turn off the pc and netflix and chill with ur significate other. You obviously arent having fun with the game.

I’ll go back to leveling my mage in cata. See you in phase 4.

Says the guy that posts 50x a day. Ironic

I am having fun. Thanks for asking. =P

Low iq to think thats what i asked. Im sorry i didnt realise you had a disability. Enjoy your day

Oh, noes… You are an internet bully… hurting my feelings.

Ele has to be 20 (or 24?) yards from target to apply flame shock. Any caster standing closer than 30 yards is a free kill for ranged dps and swappable for melee dps.

Sounds like a positioning/skill issue, or an overall team imbalance issue (if you’re being focused by 3x eles, your team should be cleaning up something).

I’m literally paying for this game every month. And this is the only version of WoW in existence where Horde solo queu AND ONLY HORDE solo que is throttled in such a way.

The fact that this has been a problem now for months just means multiple employees at blizzard need to be fired. Don’t excuse terrible design decisions.

burn rune is fundamentally broken. if it’s x3 ele shams, you know that’s potentially 15 applications of flame shock going out?

give me mass cleanse and then you can make the “just cleanse it” argument

they fumbled the ball and did what blizzard does best: kill the hype surrounding their very hyped IPs

at least they saved money for the share holders by not hiring more devs

pug stomping, sounds like P1 Alliance WSG 10/10 double priest premades. Did alliance actually enjoy pug stomping every game in P1?

but yes, ABs have been a blast – if we get anywhere close to a 4/5 or 5/5 cap, we head to trollbane hall to celebrate. There’s a nice spot below the gate/wall of the GY where we can range and aoe dot all the alliance that spawn. It puts them in combat so they can’t mount up, and they end up scrambling around trollbane hall GY for the remainder of the game

Sometimes we agree to just take 4 bases and farm you at ST and spawn gy.

To be clear, when I said “cleaning up something”, I wasn’t talking about the spell “cleanse”

I meant your team should be dumpstering whatever focus target they are on and cleaning up focus targets… 3x ele shaman had to over extended in order to get flame shock off… They should be either dying in a global like literally everything else in SoD (even post damage reduction), or at least getting instantly tongues’d by your team’s lock, considering the lock has at least 16 yards of range on the shaman applying flame shock.

Hell your team’s hunters have had the shaman in shooting range for 21 yards already, and could have trap launchered an entrapment proccing frost trap right behind him.

If both teams are evenly matched, just running up to get the flame shock off should have been a death sentence and/or wasted so much time that they are losing the team fight as a result.

Man, that’s the most hilarious cope I’ve read in the forums recently. Bravo.


Yep 100% they are going to be running in to flameshock casters when they can flameshock 5 melee in 1 global.

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Man, I should fly over to blizzard headquarters and jump on one of their pcs and just click the “only works on npcs”… BOOM burn fix for pvp.

I know they are currently watching Cata data. But someone can run over and instantly fix Burn rune.

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you get there and the only 2 options are a shaman buff randomizer or a flat 40% damage reduction across the board, and that one has a sub option to select “nerf mage damage by another 10%”

I dont get the hands off for so many weeks. I know there are only like 5 devs working on multiple versions of wow. But the lack of at least one person touching/balancing stuff in SoD is almost inexcusable.

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