Is Horde really having fun in AB?

As Alliance pugging it, just grinding out the 45k honor to go from rank 3 to 5 has been extremely painful. I’m just curious if the horde really think it’s fun to stomp alliance in every game? I mean, I wonder how many alliance are like me and only grind up the honor and then stop playing BGs for the week. Be a lot more fun if somewhat balanced, but with the state of shaman and the node focused nature of AB, it’s just garbage.

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Yes we are having a blast.


The real question is are you casting CoT on those Ele shamans?

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I did my 110k and went from 5-7 lol. No more.

Too many ninja BS caps because alliance was too busy bridge fighting. So stupid.

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Careful… they will blame the shamans.


After the shaman blaming they’ll follow it up with blaming Horde racials next.


Imagine being Horde and thinking you’re winning due to skill and skill alone.


Imagine posting on a Void Elf Mage.


Are you really taking this negatively towards alliance personally? lol.

Listen, they’re terrible at BGs. Period. Being horde forever, I was constantly complaining about how terrible horde was. But seriously, alliance is even worse.

i dont’ even know what it is. It’s like, they have tunnel vision or something. Or they’re only capable of linear thinking. Maybe that’s why Alliance is just better at AV. Both sides road fight. Both sides chase HKs. But horde is just, less stupid about it.

imagine being alliance and thinking you would be the dominant faction in era yet again. oopsie.


Kind of like Horde is doing in the Cata classic forums right now as we speak :rofl:

Horde must really just overall suck at PvP…they didn’t even last an entire week before they all quit Cata Classic LOL

Not gonna lie, at least Alliance did put up a fight in SoD for the first Phase and a half.

Crapaclysm has no place on the SoD forums.

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I don’t think you understand the point, you saying “its not because of racials”…while the Cata Classic forum is on fire due to Human Racial being superior and that being the reason Horde aren’t PvPing…just chefs kiss.

And the hilarious thing is that Horde doesn’t even have CLASS imbalance and they quit in Cata week 1 in PvP lol.


I dont know… I see alot of other races in cata. LOL

People that cry about racials have no business doing so, unless they arena as high levels.

I never said “it’s not because of racials” … I said after they get done blaming shamans, they’ll rotate to racials next.

Let’s not put words in other people’s mouth.

Ah so you’ve never actually insinuated Alliance quitting SoD PvP wasn’t because of Racials and only because of “skill issue”?

You’re in multiple threads defending Horde Racials and Shaman balance in SoD, giving the excuse that Alliance quitting wasn’t because of those reasons at all. Now you’re backpedaling when I’ve pointed out the exact same thing is happening to Horde…yet at an accelerated rate in Cata Classic.

My point still stands, almost like Racial Imbalance and Factional Class Imbalance play a very signficant role in either A) People simply reroll to the stronger faction…or B) They just stop queuing all together. (Still wild that Horde are crybaby quitting PvP in Cata with zero Faction Class Imbalance)

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I didn’t insinuate anything anywhere. I responded to a statement from another person on the forums and you’re trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill.

Do carry on though. This is getting entertaining.

Wow, that was a lot of editing. Here, I can do that too.

Care to provide proof for your accusation? I don’t recall defending any horde racials or shaman imbalances. I’m very curious where you think you’re getting this information directed toward me.

Backpedaling? Really?? You’re delusional if you think I’m back pedaling from anything.

I don’t follow anything regarding Crapaclysm.

Thanks for sharing. I’ll pretend your nonsense is interesting and I’m paying attention.

Nah I’ve said what I wanted to say, hilarious seeing the Horde cry like wimpy noodle bots in the Cata Classic forum about PvP though.

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I dont see them crying cuz im here. =P They are probably alliance from SOD thinking it would be easier playing horde in Cata. LOL

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This is literally the top thread trending on there right now lol.

~PVP Dead on arrival due to alliance imbalance - #42 by Hardinesslol-crusader-strike