Is High Warlord/Grand Marshal easier to get now?

What makes you think I actually care about or even asked for your opinion about this subject when all you have ever done to me ever is troll me at random on multiple posts.

Oh and also…You say I lack knowledge of Classic? You come in with a full set of end game raid gear, you will STOMP any player in full R14 PvP gear. How good do you think your Grand Marshal’s Claymore is going to do vs Sulfuras? Watch the newer vids of 60s PvPing, yea they have their R14s in full PvP gear, watch the old vids though… they had full raid gear and legos on. No resil in Classic. And just think, you spend month grinding out a full set of R14 gear, then get stomped by some rando raid champion who has less than 500 total HKs.

That’s because there arent any. These people are straight up lying about that. I did PvP for hours on end. I saw hardly any bots in Classic. First time I saw lots of bots in BGs in Classic was early Wrath release with the DKs in AV only. Everyone knew who they were. Super easy to spot… Reported and that’s that.

Yes afk av in that sense, but y’a there’s also actual bot programs that people can get.

why do you keep quoting me then?

You should probably do a little research before sheet posting. Currently no bots are readily available to the general public. Anything you see that is just sitting there saying “purchase me, i bot for you” is a scam.

I say this because I know people do it lol
Is it alot of people? No. But it’s there and people do it.

(I will edit that’s it not alot of bot programs, my bad)

Three seconds after that blue post got put up my concern was about exactly what happened. When I read between the lines of it the whole thing was literally about stripping away the social (the to me, interesting) parts so that people with zero social or networking skills (things that should matter even more than “game skill” in an MMO), who therefore do not add value to the game or make it better by being there, and instead do nothing but detract from the quality and make the whole game worse, BGs and in a general sense, could get the same “prize”.

People were so happy about the changes that I was hoping I’d be wrong and that’s part of me actually caring about others - even though these same people only care about themselves and they definitely haven’t given an ounce of consideration back.

Sadly that hasn’t been the case and things have gone as I expected.

Right. This is part of what “Vanilla” has always been for me.

That’s why I’ve been in every thread calling for changes saying they should happen even. To make WSG and AB more desirable.

There are people in all of these threads who love the AV meta, who are happy to not even try as all of their focus is on some obscure gear obsession. Most of them don’t even like PVP.

Blizzard doesn’t seem to do a lot though after they’ve made up their mind. I’ve accepted that this version of the game (Era) is now not for me, as the majority of it’s players are nothing at all like me as people, so have largely moved on.

I still hope for something better in the future that’s more in line with how the game actually was that made it to me “magical” and that change really ain’t that. Even though I think the devs didn’t intend it that way. I think the devs had good intentions but I don’t think they’re listening to the right crowd.


Show me the person who’s done so. I’ll wait.

I said you can do it without pressing a single button.

Are you saying that is incorrect?

Are you suggesting av is more complicated?

All you need to do is follow the Zerg up to the boss and let 39 people kill him.

You don’t need to press a single button to do that. Do you have some sort of counter argument to this observable reality?

You can do the old r14 grind without pressing a single button too, just join a good premade and let them roll over the enemy pug teams while you just sit there and soak up the mid kills and do nothing.

If we’re just arguing in hypotheticals…

You get kicked out of a real premade for doing so.

Have you ever tried it?

Because that doesn’t work with “good premades”

You completely made that up, affirming the consequent fallacy

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Just like you made up players who afk and never press a button to go all the way to rank 14.

Not seeing the difference.

My example is assuming a group of players who are trying to assist a “afk” player to reach r14 just for the lol of it. So they have no reason to kick said player.

See you can do anything when you just imagine up scenarios to fit your point.

I’ve witnessed players doing zero damage/healing countless times in AV wins.

I’ve seen players following the Zerg then sitting still doing nothing at all, continuing the same pattern up to the boss. Then see them doing the same thing in the next game.

I have never seen a player full on AFK in a serious premade without getting kicked from the group

You are seeing the difference. You are just textbook begging the question and are probably just another AV ranker

I mean, he’s not wrong.
I’ve seen many stealthier/night elves just stealth at stormpike, no kills, no death, never leave stealth for games and games.

There’s also the harpie cave farmers, the afk at base, the afk-follow group. There’s even handy anti-afk weak auras that yell at you when you’ve been stationary for too long.

I don’t blame them really, AV meta is perfect for this.

That’s your problem.

You are affirming the consequent.

You don’t have a point when presenting a logical fallacy

And I’ve seen many a premade carry 1-2 absolute trash players just because they’re friendly or all that’s online to bring. So what? A literal 5m knowledgeable premade in WSG can beat most pugs in WSG.

This comment is so bizarre.

The only way this would happen would be by paying for a hard carry, and I’ve never heard of that. Not to say it never has.

My premades would have kicked that player out so fast.

In AV yes you can just watch Netflix and follow the crowd, no permission is required, no payment is required, and if you follow it’s unlikely to be noticed as there are a dozen other players there.

Plenty in here have bragged about watching movies while ranking with this new system. Probably only paying a small amount of attention to the game.

“Carrying” someone is an entirely different scenario than someone willingly and purposefully leaving their keyboard only to come back and prevent AFKin out from time to time in the bg.

I’ve been in teams carrying people who might not be as good as their normal roster, simply because they need the class.

To be honest, I’m not sure what exactly you’re trying to prove.

You can’t prove anything with fallacies


As of AB’s release when it became the defacto choice for honor farm over WSG, I’ve seen countless games go by with people who just sit at their base and defend and do nothing, pressing no buttons while the rest of their team farms the GY.

I’ve been that defensive player enough to know it’s a pretty effortless experience.

You’re all coping, and that’s fine, but when you get hyperbolic and stupid about things, that’s where the line gets drawn.

Are you talking about scenario 1:

Premade team is winning. They are honor farming the pugs at their GY.

You witness said teammates sitting at their bases doing nothing

Is this what you’re talking about?

Because that’s extremely standard. When you 5 cap pugs, you’ll sit some teammates at bases to make sure a rogue or Druid doesn’t leak out and back cap

If that’s what you were talking about then you just made another affirming the consequent.

The one who’s point cracks first is the one who dissolved to fallacious discussion

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lol and similarly it is standard in a good AV game where you just pal around with your team and mow down the PvE bosses for honor. Blizzard made the BG, complain to them about AV if that’s your issue.

AV was farmable to rank 14 before they made this change. I know SEVERAL people who did it that way.