Is having a destro warlock in the group

I just mean in different areas of the game, not specifically in DF content. They’re probably just inexperienced.

The example given in this post is a stationary pack of mobs who only have a frontal cone, pose no threat to the tank to require kiting, and are required to be killed to spawn the boss who is right there. Movement is completely unnecessary.

It’s inexperience / lack of awareness. Be that with the dungeon itself which is unlikely or with what warlocks do.

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Feels like this is what I’m seeing very often.

Didn’t think so. Those are just the only two dungeons I could imagine rain being confused for a hostile aoe.

Yeah, you used to see it with Rogue players a lot, spamming to move back and forth because they were trying to stay behind their enemies in PvP.

So now, even though rogues don’t really have to be behind things anymore, those people still twitch left and right as if they do.

And tanks are the same way. They’re so conditioned to move around at random times that they kinda have this urge to…just…move, no matter what.

Obviously the very good players who know mechanics and understand how to play with their group comp wouldn’t do this, but the average tank is not very good.

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I have played on my warlock since BFA, with DF he took a step back and became an alt but… I have never experienced any problems ever with this. Ever. Nor have I been able to see anything even remotely akin to it (which is worthwhile since I’m not playing on my Warlock a lot currently but do play on my main).

So… can you explain what the actual problem is?
Because I have never had any issues with Rain of Fire, nor seen any indication that there would be an issue with it. Heck my main alt is a brewmaster tank and I can’t see much of a reason to move around as a tank a lot so it’s just like…

Am I saying this doesn’t happen? No, I’m simply dubious about it due to the nature of these forums. So could you provide some more precise information about what the actual issue would be, if it is something different than just awful tanks/warlocks in low keys?

Probably for bad tanks and/or bad warlocks. Usually it shouldn’t be a problem.

Then again, rain of fire isn’t even that big of a visual hindrance, most recent example in memory was being pulled into Nokhud last night, life cocoon on last boss is big enough on my Dracthyr to completely obscure the lignting bolt swirls in P2.

I find myself still conditioned to juke, cuz of a certain game that has positional requirements for the melee classes.

I especially juke hard on my Shaman… which is hilarious, now that I think about it.

I have found that outside of guild tanks even at 10s it’s better to play demo

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You appear to be the only warlock that has responded who hasn’t ever had an issue with RoF. As for your questions reading the thread would probably answer it all.

I’m thinking I’m going to have to give it a go. Destro is a great spec and I know it can do some numbers but for my level of play demo might be the way.

Fwiw so far it has been a lot of fun on boss fights even if trash has been a bit frustrating.

blood for the blood god

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Hate to break it to you but this is a Warlock skill issue lol.

Nah, tank issue.

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Tanks aren’t going to just stand around when trying to avoid getting killed lol.

It’s often both. Tanks move more than they really need to / don’t communicate when / where they’re going with predictable movement the warlock can follow. And Warlocks don’t lead their tank’s positioning with their rain of fires.

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I’m quite certain I could do better even in the situations where the tank isn’t helping me out at all. Need to either learn to work around it or try a different spec.

I’m also quite certain it hasn’t all been on me.

I don’t think Sabbia even plays though so I’m not going to take that jab seriously.

Ehm… having read the thread, folks are just explaining how to use Rain of Fire on a very basic level. You don’t randomly use it when on the move and you just… wait.

That’s been what others have pointed out as well so I don’t get what warlocks you are talking about?

It’s moreso a thing in mid range Mythic+ keys. Enough that tanks are aiming to pull 3-4 packs at a time and have a plan for where / what they want to do, and enough for tanks to feel suffiiciently threatened by what’s going on to want to reposition and kite to some degree, but not enough that the players have developed strong enough situational awareness or tanking fundamentals to be able to play around their dps.

Seems like the problem is you…not every single pug tank you run into. It’s far more likely that you are the common denominator. Also it’s possible that the tank isn’t there to manage your dps. The tanks job is to group up the mobs and tank them. Your expecting them to help you and it doesn’t work that way. Learning your class and how your spells work is something you might want to do before blaming tanks for not catering to you.

Well, now you’re just reading our minds.

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It’s part of why I play demo.
The other part is the almost completely inverted stat priority for it compared to Destro, meaning I need different gear if I want to play it optimally.

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