Is having a destro warlock in the group

Really that difficult for tanks? PuG tanks are an absolute nightmare to try to play with as destro. It’s almost like they treat rain of fire as a hostile AoE and instantly move every mob out of it. I don’t get it.

Is it a lack of understanding or intentional that PuG tanks just can’t seem to ever park the mobs?


I think rain of fire, volley, earthquake, etc should have some mob slowing effect like blizzard does. That way not as much damage is cancelled by the VDH deciding to go for a little stroll…

You might be saying, “But Rita? What about sanguine? Also you look adorable today” and thank you, and I agree! Delete sanguine!


I never thought I’d be using Shadowfury as a way to keep mobs in my aoe for a half a second. I’m straight using it just to force those mobs to be still long enough for cataclysm to cast.

Destro aoe also just seems incredibly limited. You absolutely need a tank to work with you to get everything you can out of it.


tanks are busy avoiding 200 frontals and ground aoes while having to move consistently to make sure mobs don’t get behind them


Most players of all roles have poor situational awareness, tanks included. It’s also important as a lock to recognise where your tank wants to go and lead your rain of fires a bit in that direction.


It really doesn’t help that the indicators for rain of fire look an awful lot like other AOE effects.


Mobs generally aren’t moving when they are casting frontals so the tank dodging them really wouldn’t have an impact on that.

Oh I get that. There have been a few times when I’ve predicted movement and landed a rain in prep for it. Just saying I think destro is one of those specs that performs best with a tank that will work with their limitations.

Not seeing it. Rain of fire is a fairly distinct spell. It’s not a swirly and I can’t think of a dungeon other than neltharus where it might be confusing. Even that is a bit of a stretch imo. I don’t have an issue working with it on my tanks. :man_shrugging:

I guess I could see it with cataclysm (which is a ground effect animation) but not rain.

earthquake, ran of fire and similar spells should follow the mobs they’re hitting


This would be the best way to fix the issue. Take it out of the tanks hands so they simply can’t troll. I genuinely feel like tanks are given too much agency over how their group performs.

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I just wait for the tanks to stop, then let fly.

If there’s movement mechanics, it’s just not a good fit anyway. But if it’s a tank gogogo-ing, well, just let them stop – then burn 'em.

Destro Warlocks and gogogo tanks are a really bad match. Outside of Conflagerate, you can hardly get a spell off before they break LoS or out of range you.

So, I just Burning Rush, keep up, and DPS when they stop.

And just focus on solid single target DPS on the bosses.


Yeah when I pug Destro, I usually just spam Immolate until the tank stops, then I let it rip. I do try to lead a RoF here or there, of course, so I don’t cap shards.

Of course most of the pack is already near death by the time the tank plants, but hey :man_shrugging: it is what it is.

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This has been my approach but it feels like I’m the guy in the group that is always playing catch up at that point. I think this is as much a “I want to be top DPS as tank” thing as it is “I want this over fast” thing.

See I feel like that has gotten me in trouble a handful of times. Tanks just body pulling and moving on. I’m still fairly new to destro so trying to get a feel for things but…pug tanks are frustrating.

Shadow Priest’s Shadow Crash says “Hi”

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True. At least shadow crash does its thing immediately though. Like cataclysm.

RoF is just a slow drizzle of fire from the sky.

today is my day to agree with Piddy


as a tank, am I supposed to… what? just stop moving when I see rain of fire even though I planned on gathering more mobs? No. I’m going to do the pull I had planned on, but I promise I’ll do my best to stay in one spot once I have all the mobs.


Yeah. Just see it about to land, and tank takes off with the group so it misses. And its a 20 sec cool down. So Im like fine… Holy Nova it is.

As a Destro lock, I’ve been playing catch up since I switched in MoP long ago.

Typically because the group hits some mobs, and I’m there, at the back of the group, 25ish yards way spamming away, then it dies and everyone else runs along, I still have to loot, so I’m always “30 yards back” at least from the group as a general rule.

It’s all good, I’m ranged, but, also, that’s why I talent up Burning Rush. We’re the fastest base class in the game with BR running, it helps a LOT. Big fan of BR.

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No. You are not supposed to stop moving and that’s not my primary complaint here. I don’t have an issue with waiting for the tank to stop and don’t expect them to stop for my rain.

I’m just surprised by the number of times I’ve seen them move the pack out of it when there is no apparent reason to do so.

I’m not talking the plant pull in algethar either. I understand movement is necessary on some pulls. Guy moved the birds out of my rain on all three packs in there earlier.

Imagine being a shaman. Everyone runs away from my healing rain and tanks tend to always escort trash safely off of it.

Really? We normally disagree? Huh…I’m sorry.

Yea, that’s all I ask. The “go real fast pulling” and then " continue creeping backward while going slower" part just kind of ruins it.

Vs go real fast, STOP, let the mobs soak up the DPS love and die, then gogogo more.